Apologies: Chapter 2

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Yerin's POV

As I felt the alcohol (or maybe the scenes that keeps on replaying on my mind) taking control now of my body I decided to head home. For fuck's sake even I am like this I am still committed to my work, though yeah I don't know if I am that reliant.

Being a psychiatrist afforded me to meet different kinds of people everyday. In all of those people, no one even resembles her. The girl in my head. I might sound delusional for thinking that I could meet her even I am not sure if she is real or not.

But everytime that the day ends, I know I am still hoping to at least meet her. I know that I am experiencing this weird phenomena for more than 3 years now and I am sure in that span of time I have already established some sort of connection to her. A connection that I am not sure on how and when started.

I got up of my chair, holding my head because of the pain and now slowly walking out of the place. Some guys would talk to me, absolutely flirting just by hearing how cheery their voices are, but I know it's insincere. I am too busy on my life to even add them on it. Plus...

I hate guys.

I never liked a guy before. Never, as in never. I don't know why but I think I have a thing for girls. Like I am always fangirling to girl groups never in any boy groups and my friends find it so weird. But anyways my sexuality is not important here.

Once that I am already out of the place, breathing the fresh night air, it felt calming not like inside, it's toxicated and heavy. Somehow the pain in my head has depleted a little. Thanks to the fresh air.

As I continue walking, I come to notice the faint static sounds coming from establishments that are still open this late at night, it was fancy, submerging in my ears it reminded me of her footsteps running away from me.

I just let out a sigh realizing that I am remembering and connecting her on almost everything I see. More like thoughts about her would just suddenly pop in my mind even though it's not my intention.

Now I am waiting for the stop light to turn green so I can walk pass by, I mean so we can walk pass by since I am not the only one waiting to walk cross the road





It's still 21 seconds more before I could cross the road, I hovered my eyes around my surroundings and saw a girl carrying a big bean bag.

Did she murdered someone and put the body inside? It looks really heavy. Or did she buy a gigantic gift for her little dongsaeng's birthday? Wait-- I don't even know if it is her dongsaeng's birthday nor if she have a dongsaeng. Wth I am so weird. Argh! Why am I always like this when I got toxicated with alcohol?

I shook my head off, trying to not think that I am weird because I think we're just unique and stuff. I stepped my foot to the pedestrian lines as I felt my phone tinged, I fished it in my pocket and I stumbled on several text messages from my lil sis.

Lil Bunny Sis:
unnir! where are you?!

Lil Bunny Sis:

Lil Bunny Sis:
Taehyung-oppa said that ur at the bar a few blocks away from his house. we're here now but i cannot find u.

Lil Bunny Sis:

I thought she would stop messaging me, but I am wrong as I saw my phone lit up again due to a message from her

Lil Bunny Sis:
ur also not in the comfort room. unnie where the heck are u?! it's so late nowie!!!

Lil Bunny Sis:
unnie! if you still wouldn't answer. i swear i will really call the police!

It's kinda irritating but sweet at the same time. Knowing that my lil sis is still awake at this late night looking for me.

To Lil Bunny Sis:
stop freaking out. go home now. im already on my way home.


I finally replied to all of her 267 messages. Yeah 267 messages just this night, not to mention the 84 missed calls.

I pocketed my phone as I continue my lone walk.

When suddenly I felt arms fastly wrapped itself around me and the next thing I knew is that I am on the grounds with some slight scratches on my elbow.

"What the heck! Why did you do that?! Look at these scratches on my--"

I stopped in the middle of my sentence as I saw her. The girl carrying a bean bag earlier, but the bag is now nowhere to be scene with her. And I noticed a slight slit on her right head with red fluids oozing out on it. As well as the car that flipped over just a few meters away from us.

Turns out I crossed when it is till in red light, wth so careless of me!

I started panicking. I shake her shoulders aiming to wake her up since she's didn't even flinched when I shouted at her ealier, "Hey! Wake up! Wake up! Don't just pass out like that! Hey-"

People started to form around us some are also panicking but some are just pick looking. Hopefully one kind-hearted civilian called an ambulance in behalf of me.

The ambulance came faster than expected. They carried the unconscious girl and guided me inside the ambulance as well.

Med personels are cleaning my scratches and some of them are busy on monitoring the girl.

As we reached the hospital, the doctor that treated her came to me and asked, "Are you her guardian?"


"Ah... I see. Anyways she's okay now. But she still needs to rest, her body is tense because of the impact. Do you know how can we contact her guardian? They need to know her condition"

"I am not sure. I would try doing something"

"Oh, okay. Just inform us if anything"

"Yes, you're the first to know"

"Thank you"

"Thank you." he then took his leave.

I decided to come close to her bed which is situated at the corner most part of the room, I studied her face.

She looks familiar. I think I already saw her before. Maybe one of my patients?

Anyways I get to the table near her bed where all her belongings are placed. The leather jacket that she's wearing earlier is also there.

Right! Phone! I might be able to contact someone she knew.

And I didn't disappoint myself as I saw her phone. I tried opening it but was in no use as it has a password.


As I am putting her phone back on her jacket's pocket, I stumbled on bunch of pictures.

I get it and my eyes widened as I darted my view on them.

It was a picture of me earlier at the bar while drinking alone!

I tried shuffling on the other pictures and I was just getting shock as I saw more of those. All of those are pictures of me in different places and occations. Some are taken recently and some are not, like a few months, or even year(s) ago.

I gasped. How the hell did she get all these?!

Apologies | Sinrin [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now