Apologies: Chapter 5

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Before this chapter starts, just a little clarification. Yerin is really a psychiatrist not a psychologist. Sorry for the confusion laahhh~


Yerin's POV

"I'm Eunbi Hwang. Head doctor and CEO of FH hospital. And from now on you'll be working with me and only me".

As I heard her say that, shock grew on my face as if I'm not believing what she just said. Well I literally don't.

I lightly pan my head to the right before flaunting a dubious look, "I don't have time for your fancy jokes beanbag girl. They told me to meet the head doctor here. Not you". I finished emphasizing the last part of my sentence.

"I see that you are calling someone by your ridiculous and unreasonable appellation." she finally settled on her seat, proceeding to read the thick book that I guess she has been reading earlier even before I entered this room. "Aren't you being a bit disrespectful of your superior huh Miss Jung?"

"Okay! I admit you're smart to talk and with that lab coat and specs that you are wearing, no one can mistook you for someone else." I said as I squinted my eyes examining her delicate figure, "But I guess I'm an exception to that. Sadly, but I remembered you last time. And you're really the beanbag girl. I cannot be mistaken! And no matter how hard I think of it there's no way someone like you could be a head doctor or even a doctor especially in this hospital."

I don't know but the weariness that I am feeling earlier is now gone. Seriously, though I'm with this unknown girl I somehow feel safe and I find it incredibly weird.

"It is illogical to underestimate peoples barely because of your deluded fallacies". She plainly said to me not leaving her sight on that freaking book not minding all the babbling that I have done.

Aish! This girl seriously is so... She's really one intellectual kid, I couldn't deny that. Her sentence structure and words are just nothing compared to me. Just then a sappy plan popped on my mind on probably making a slurred comeback to her.

"Let's say that it's illogical" I stopped making a little quote sign with both of my hands before continuing, "But isn't it more illogical to stalk someone?"

"It really is"

"Okay! That came from you already! So how can you explain those pictures that I saw in your jacket's pocket last time huh? Those are bunch of pictures of me" I asked raising an eyebrow.

I observed her if she would have any unusual reaction because of my sentence. But in my dismay, she just stayed the same, with her famous poker face that is. Not even a bit did she got affected by my words.

It took quite a while before she finally answered but her eyes are still glued on that book, "Sadly, I am not obliged to answer personal questions like that. So I won't answer your question."

"Owww... Trying to avoid the question huh?"

"I am not"

Boredom is starting to grew on my nerves thinking that this conversation that we are having are all nonsense. I walked closer to her desk and started to play things there as if it's nothing.

"Look, I know you saved me that time and I am grateful to you, I really am. Even though yeah I wanted to die a bit? Well anyways let's just-"

"I prohibit talking about death in this establishment especially in this room. Do you understand that Miss Jung?" she asserted, sternly then finally lifted her head and intently looked at me.

For once, I was stunned by her demeanor. I almost choked on nothing noticing that she's not looking anywhere but just straight in my eyes.

And so I tried averting my sight to elsewhere "Ah, y-yeah. Anyway let's just forget about that and tell me where the head doc---" she cutted me off.

"I asked did I?! Why aren't you answering?!" she slammed her desk, hard "DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND. THAT?!" she growled making sure that I heard every word of her sentence.

I got shocked on the sudden raise of her voice and the room is suddenly filled with unknown tension. "Y-yeah. I u-understand". I conceded, hanging my head low like a scared puppy.

"Clarity is important in almost all aspects. It's better that we have an understanding here." she heaved a long sigh before she finally calmed down and return to her peaceful interaction with her book.

I didn't respond but I just stayed quiet. And now it is completely awkward. Good for her because she's still looking at that book to the point that I started to wonder on what the hell is on that freaking book, but here I am just lubberly standing while fidgeting my fingers.

"I am sorry for raising my voice." The beanbag girl suddenly spoke. I once thought that she felt me being squirmy so she decided to break the ice. But even she said that without looking at me and that I basically cannot see her eyes I can somehow feel the sincerity on her voice. "My emotions took over me" she added.

"It's... okay" I answered calmly.

The door suddenly flew open, revealing a what I can infer is a nurse. She's panting, "Doctor Hwang! The new patient in the ward 29D is having a seizure, we need you there."

"Coming!" she immediately got up from her seat so fast that I haven't noticed that she's already walking out of the door.

Before she stepped her foot out, she stopped and momentarily looked at me, "This might not be enough of an evidence for proving that I'm the head doctor, but at least this is enough to prove that I'm one of the doctors here" she devilishly smirked before continuing, "I hope you'll get ready with the consequences of your actions Miss Jung" she substantiates, lofty swaying the tip of her lab coat as if gesturing that she got the point again this time.

And with that she left me dumbfounded and just wanted to be eaten by the floor right now.

She will kill me.

Jung Yerin you are dead. I repeat you are dead.

I am dead.

A late update! Super late I can say.

Sorry for updating this late guyseu. I've been quite occupied because of the Holiday season, hehehehe 😅

Anyways, Happy Holidays and I hope you'll enjoy the remaining days of 2018!


Apologies | Sinrin [HIATUS]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat