Apologies: Chapter 16

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Third Person's POV

Everyone was advised that the head doctor will be present starting from tomorrow, that she had finally recovered from her sickness.

Well, presumptive enough, to hide the fact that Eunbi went missing, that's what they all had reasoned out to all the hospital's people. So basically, every single human being there aside from the management was oblivious of the real thing and was just thinking that their head doctor was taking her much needed rest and treatment from her nonexistent sickness.

If not because of the notice, Yerin would've might already boldly asked for Eunbi's residence to come pay a visit to her. The distressing void caused by Eunbi's disappearance was far more agitating than she thought it would feel like, and it's taking the best of her patience. Yerin's mind was absolutely going in and out of the place wondering about what might be happening to her.

Even her colleagues noticed how inattentive she became during the said period, they had to repeat their sentences at least twice for her to actually get hold of whatever they want to imply. Not to mention how her eyes were always blankly staring at random stuffs in the corner of the room, seemingly preoccupied of the most unsettling thoughts about Eunbi.

The worst thing that happened was, her burning herself. 

She was getting hot water from the dispenser and, of course, she's probably not paying attention so she unintentionally burned her unscathed hand up by that scorching liquid.

She was mad to say the least, not because of what happened, but because she's becoming more and more anxious every second without Eunbi, to the extent it made her every day chores unpleasant, but she cannot even do a single thing to solve that, so she could only impatiently wait until it devours her normalcy.


The first thing that the two doctors did was to go to Eunbi's office. Yuna actually insisted that she doesn't need to do so and that she needs to rest instead, but Eunbi was suddenly being authoritative and so thus she cannot do anything about it.

"I am surprised you didn't murder the paper works." she mumbled softly, eyes observing the space and the neatly stock of undone paper sheets calmly sleeping at the sides of her table.

"I would have already," Yuna tattered, lightly nudging the other doctor, "If you still didn't show up until before the day ends."

Curious of the moment, Eunbi then mindlessly threw a short look at the wall clock designated at the corner of the room, "11:52." a small mischievous smile escaped her lips before she went to face her monitor, "I guess everything here on Earth is timed. I barely made it then."

"You should be thankful."

"Of course I am." she casually replied, browsing something on her desktop.

With how hard Eunbi was examining the screen, Yuna suspected that she's diagnosing and scrutinizing their drug development reports again.

If there's one thing that can trigger Eunbi's oh so serious disposition in that extensively high end level, it was definitely none other than their hospital's pharmaceutical activities.

"The progress is so slow." Eunbi flopped her head down, great dismay painted across her face.

"Why are you so eager to complete GZO 17's clinical trials? You know well it's almost impossible to finish it at the end of this year."

"I don't have much time." Eunbi's expression dulled as she gritted her teeth, "It's near, Yuna."

It was dead silent for a good moment, there's only the ticking of the clock's hand as it finally hits midnight.

Apologies | Sinrin [HIATUS]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें