Aaron Burr- Dinner (c)

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With your daughter newly married, you had gone to visit her in her new home even though the day you had picked was rather inconvenient. Your cook had the day off and seen as you had left the house to see Theodosia, your husband was left to start making dinner for the two of you. You would be back before you would normally have dinner served, so you could assist him at the end of cooking but you had left him a recipe out on the kitchen counter, having also explained everything to him too.

You enjoyed your day with your daughter, missing having her at home and still struggling to to face the fact that you and your husband were aging and now were alone due to your only child being a married woman. You had said a tearful goodbye to your daughter before returning home.

It was a simple meal that you had left Aaron to cook but when you returned to your home, you could now hear him swearing from the kitchen. You rushed to his assistance, hoping he hadn't hurt himself but when you found him, he was angrily stirring the cooking pot.

"What is wrong?" You asked.

"It doesn't look right," he huffed.

"Did you follow my instructions?" You questioned.

He nodded his head as he walked away from the food that he had begun to cook, to let you have a look at what was going on. You were hesitant to look, scared to see how he could have screwed up but if you wanted to have something to eat tonight, you needed to look.

The food in the pot looked relatively normal but far chunkier than anything you would have claimed for this meal. In the middle was a large round lump. You tried to scoop it out with the spoon, but it rolled off back into the mess of a meal as you realised what it was.

"Is that a whole onion?" You asked.

Aaron nodded his head. "That's what you told me."

"One whole onion? When I said whole... I didn't mean entirely whole," you frowned. "Did you at least take the skin off of it?"

"I'm not that stupid."

You shot him a look, him clearly not wanting a response to that as it wouldn't be pleasant. You reached out to cup his cheeks with your hands, feeling rather bad for him, he had never cooked a meal on his own and this just proved how much of a disaster he was.

"I do love you Aaron but from now on we shall keep you out of the kitchen."


written by Aaron.

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