King George III- British Empire (c)

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Being an advisor to the King of England was an amazing position to be in but also a terrifying one. You were of a high status, revered by many but also it meant you had to tell the king some of the worst news he could hear about and it wasn't unheard of for an advisor who said the wrong thing to end up injured or dead.

When word reached England of the revolution, you feared what would come of it and when the news was for the worst for the English, you felt terrible for the unlucky fellow who must share word to the King. You were the unlucky fellow. How were you meant to tell the King that America had won the war?

You took a deep breath and knocked on the door of the chamber he was sat in. When he called for you to enter, you wished to run away, especially when the guards offered you a sympathetic smile but you pulled on the fakest smile you could muster and entered the room.

When you hesitated in the doorway, the king shot you a look of disapproval.

"Have you got something to tell me?" He demanded.

He knew you wouldn't just be visiting for no reason, you would only be there if you had a purpose, even if it was a terrible purpose, one that you never wished to discuss with him.

"Erm... I am sorry to say, your majesty... we kind of... lost America."

You had no idea how else to phrase it without getting yourself instantly killed for bringing him the message.

"Well, where did you last see it?" He boomed.

The King had been struggling mentally for some time and this did not help matters currently.

"No... erm... they don't exactly want to be our friends anymore," you offered to try and clear up the conversation.

He furrowed his eyebrows, inspecting your face closely to figure out why you were telling him such things, as to him this did not matter nor have the severity the truth did.

"No one wants to be our friends, Y/N, but that doesn't matter," he stated. "That's how the British Empire works."

You let out a nervous chuckle. Technically you had done your job, you had told him that America didn't want to be under British reign, so to save your neck, you would leave it there for someone lesser to stumble into the trap of getting him to understand what had occurred.


Written by Charlotte.

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