Alexander Hamilton- Broken Glass (c)

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Although Alexander was making his way through the ranks, you still wanted to stick to your humble roots and work within your Father's pub. Alexander tried to remind you that since the two of you were married, you didn't need to be a barmaid any longer, but although you cut back your hours you didn't want to leave you Father without anyone helping out.

Most nights that you were working at the bar, serving drinks to the drunken patrons, Alexander would make an excuse to come there. Generally, he'd suggest there was a need for celebration so would drag his three friends (he would have likely brought more, if he could find any other humans that didn't hate him) to buy drinks, so that he could keep an eye on you and make sure none of the drunk men try to have their way.

Usually he'd try to be subtle (he would always fail at that, but would at least keep at a remote distance) however tonight he and the three other men had perched themselves at bar stools right in front of you.

You did your best to ignore you husband and his friends. No matter how much you loved him, you did just want to get your job done, and put up with his annoying nature later.

As you went to pour out another drink for one of the other men whom was there to get pissed rather than simply annoy you, your hand slipped on the glass dropping it, smashing it, against the hard floor.

"Oh, fuck me!" You exclaimed jumping back slightly at the shock of the loud smash.

Alexander didn't miss a beat. A smirk plastered over his lips, he leaned forward grinning "I did, if you recall."

Rather than focusing on the broken glass, you glared at your husband, not caring if you were to affect his image in front of his friends. If they were friends with him, they knew he was a complete and utter twat.

"I don't actually," you said cocking an eyebrow. "Must not have been all that impressive."

The other three men erupted in laughter, slapping Alexander's back.

"Really, Love?" He smirked trying to keep his cool, but from his reddening face, it was clear that you had caught him off guard with your comment.

"Not my fault that you don't know how to impress a lady," you grinned pulling out your tea towel so that you could safely pick up the glass shards that scattered the floor.

Alexander let out a huff returning to his seat, not appreciating the laughter coming from his friends.


Written by Charlotte.

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