Lafayette- Bar (c)

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"Come on, sweetheart, I can show you a good time," a man said, leaning in close to you.

"I'm okay without," you frowned, placing the glass down on the table of the person who had ordered it, trying to keep moving to stay out of the mans grasps.

"Nah," he smirked. "I think we should get out of here."

He followed behind you, refusing to let there be space between the two of you, not understanding what no meant and very much disliking the fact that you weren't willingly going anywhere with him.

The man kept trying to get your attention as you continued to serve drinks, but with every denial of his unwanted advances that you made, he only got angrier and more determined to get what he wanted. It wasn't unusual as a barmaid to get drunken men trying to get your attention and sometimes taking things too far but this one was resilient and truly cared not for what you had to say.

"I've got work to do," you frowned. "Could you please just back off?"

"Not until you come with me," he hissed, grabbing hold of your wrist.

You winced at the pain of his strong grip, but you weren't about to go down without a fight. Some of the men thought you were just there for their enjoyment, so you had learnt to stand up for yourself.

"She asked you to leave," a heavily accented voice said.

A tall handsome man had approached you from the neighbouring table, a firm expression on his face. Although you appreciated someone trying to stand up for you, you didn't need it when it came to idiots like this.

"I've got this," you said through gritted teeth as you spun around to get your wrist free from the other man's grips.

You found freedom from his tight grasp before turning the tables so that you could pull his arm behind his back until he let out a painful scream. You held it there, letting him squirm, unable to escape the hold you had on him.

"Apologise," you growled, not caring that the whole bar was staring at you.

"Let go of me, you crazy bitch."

You bent his arm more. "I said, apologise."

He let out a squeak.

"Fine... fine," he cried. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry for being a dick," he exclaimed.

You let go of him, kicking his ankle to force him to take a step away from him.

"Good," you frowned. "Now get the fuck out of my bar. If I ever see your face again in here, you'll have more than a sore arm to leave with."

The man quickly scurried out of the bar as everyone went back to their previous conversations. You held the wrist he had grabbed, gently rubbing it to hopefully remove the red mark. You turned back to the man who had tried to help you.

"Thank you for trying to stand up for me," you smiled softly. "Very few men want to get involved."

"Clearly you didn't need my help," he chuckled. "It was quite impressive that you could send someone twice your size running from the building."

"I guess you learn to protect yourself when you have men trying to grab my arse every ten minutes," you shrugged. "I'm Y/N, by the way. Let me get you a drink."

"Lafayette," he smiled. "I cannot say no to that."


Written by Charlotte.

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