Lafayette- Sad (a)

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Glum and sorrow filled your mind as your thoughts drifted to the lost lives of your brother and father, two more souls claimed to the territorial hostilities. Christmas was always a momentous occasion for you and your family, and despite his tenacity and skills in persuasion, Lafayette couldn't convince you to join him in attending a Christmas ball or two.

The candles that adorned your walls shone dimly and uninspired, burning just enough to give your skin a wrap of warmth and slight comfort. Even on your normally tranquil street the sounds of the excited young echoed through the twilight as they eagerly awaited a stockpile of gifts and treats the following morning, their delicate feet crunching through the thickly laid snow as parents led them from door to door to spread Christmas cheer. Many small hands had knocked on your door but there was no reason to suspect anybody would be home, so as swiftly as they trotted up the pathway they left to move to the next home.

Knock Knock

You stayed still as could be, knowing that within a few seconds you would hear them leave.

Knock Knock Knock

This time the rapping grew louder and with more intent, 'One of the parents' you though to yourself, praying and hoping that they would leave.

"Open up... it's not warm outside here you know." Wrapped in layer upon layer, Lafayette pressed his face up against your frosty window and begged for you to let him in, his eyes and mouth drooping into lost French puppy dog eyes.

Reluctantly you knew that you had to open the door or he was going to freeze out of stubbornness, as soon as the latch was unhooked he rushed in and pushed the door firmly shut behind him.

"Why didn't you open the door?" He threw his gloves down and aggressively wiped his damp boots, shaking off the clumped snow onto your floor.

"I'm not in the mood for carolers, I don't really want any visitors to be honest. You can stay a few minutes to warm up but I don't be late for the Schuyler party."

"I'm not going." Lafayette smiled knowing he was in for an argument as he slipped his coat onto the hook and made his way through your home, turning each burner higher. "In fact nobody is, they're making they're way over as we speak, I just happen to live the closest. We care about you y/n, we don't want you spending Christmas alone."


Written by Aaron.

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