Alexander Hamilton- Feelings: Part 1 (c)

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It was hard being in love with your closest friend. Since Alexander had moved to New York, you had been the closest of friends and it felt inevitable that you would fall in love with him. He was headstrong and had so many plans to change the world from the hellish British rule that you were all stuck under now. If anyone else said the things he did, you would have called them insane but somehow coming from Alexander it all seemed reasonable.

He had risen from an orphan, new to New York, through formal education and ranks in the army until he was the right-hand man of General Washington. You couldn't have been prouder of him. He was even invited to the Winter's Ball, you being his plus one. You wished desperately that he was inviting you as a date, but you knew it was because you were his only female friend along with being his best friend. You doubted he saw any romance in your relationship and the invite to the Ball but even though he was a very intelligent man, he was terribly oblivious.

Nevertheless, you dressed up and hoped desperately hoped that he would comment of it, but he didn't. Instead he offered you his arm and led you into the ballroom.

"This is a nice party," you said softly, not sure what else to say.

"It's something different," he chuckled. "Who knows who you will meet."

You offered him a weak smile. There were the most affluent people of New York all in one room, so many opportunities were available for you if you spoke to the right person but all you wanted was to talk to Alexander and make him feel the same way that you felt about him but you doubted that would ever happen.

"You may find your future wife," you commented, hoping he'd finally notice you. "You are looking as handsome as ever."

He rolled his eyes at you, used to your compliments but thinking they were simply due to you being his friend not because you were head over heels for him.

"I doubt that Y/N," he laughed. "I guess I can be hopeful. Women do seem to enjoy my charms."

Although you were desperately in love with him, you knew he was terribly cocky and saw himself as more than others, even though you probably held him on a higher pedestal than he did for himself.

"I guess you could say that," you said.

Before he was able to say anything in response, you noticed his eyes catching a woman across the room. She was elegant and beautiful, and frankly everything you wished to be. Alexander struggled to keep his eyes off of her and that was all you had ever sought.

You realised this was your last chance to confess how you felt but before you could, he was already pulling himself away to arm's length ready to cross the room.

"May you excuse me," he said softly but didn't give you a chance to argue the point, quickly scurrying off into the crowd.


Written by Charlotte.

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