John Laurens- Dead Or Alive: Part 1 (c)

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Although you knew that pretty much every man in America had been enlisted in the war, but you hated the fact that your husband had decided to fight in the war. He hadn't even been conscripted, rather wanting to free slaves and form his own battalion to fight the British. John was a good and noble man and wanted to help people whom were less fortunate than yourselves but that didn't make it any easier for you with the fact that he would be miles away in the midst of a battle.

Regardless of the concerns that you held for him, he went to fight in South Carolina without any knowledge of when he would be able to return home. At first, he was able to write to you fairly often, but the letters seized and left you uncertain as to what was occurring with your husband and whether he was alive or not. It was not a fate you wished to be part of but regardless you had to live your life and hold hope that John would return to you.

One evening, a few months after he had first left, you received a letter. It wasn't in a familiar handwriting, but you opened it anyway. As soon as it was open, you wish you had never opened it. In it you were told that John had been killed in action and told you further information about how your life would be, not that you paid any attention past that of learning you were now a widow.

You could feel your heart tearing apart in your chest as you fell to the floor, your sobs consuming you. Of course, you knew from the start that John would more than likely become another statistic and die at war but it didn't make the truth of it any easier than it was. You were now to be a widow, losing practically all status and expected to live the rest of your life in your home, living the legacy that was your husband. Even with the social pain, you would never get to see your husbands smile or feel his touch again. It was a fate you never wanted to live and for now you needed to let your emotions pour out until you could truly face it.

All you were capable of doing was clinging onto the letter and crying allowing your tears to smudge the ink upon the paper as your life crumbled around you.


Written by Charlotte.

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