Philip Hamilton- Ball (c)

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As the daughter of a nobleman in New York City, you were expected to attend any ball that was held in the city in the hopes that you would find a nice husband to offer you a comfortable life. You had no interest in finding a husband, knowing that you would be offered comfort from your own fathers' wealth and with that could live a more freeing life; nevertheless, you attended the balls to appease your parents that feared of you becoming an old maid.

It felt like a new ball was held almost every night, so you attended in a beautiful gown that cost more than most in the city earned in a year and smiled pleasantly at every bachelor who asked for your hand to dance. After dancing with several men, most of which you had already met and decided you'd rather be an old maid than marry, you headed off to one of the many chairs lining the walls to take a break from dancing and let your feet calm down from the tight and uncomfortable shoes you had managed to force on.

You watched on as everyone else continued to enjoy their night, getting lost in watching all the spinning gowns and fake smiles. You were knocked out of it when a young man stood before you.

"May I have this seat?" He asked, gesturing to the seat by your side.

"Of course, kind sir," you nodded.

As soon as he sat down, he let out a sigh. It was rare for a man to take a seat at one of these events, usually being far too busy soaking up the attention of single women.

"Are you okay?" You questioned as he ran a hand through his long, dark, curly hair.

"To be frank, I do not enjoy these parties," he chuckled, almost as if to himself. "My father wishes for me to find a bride but there's so much more to care for than marriage."

"I have never heard a man consider such a perspective," you commented. "My father is the same. A husband is the only thing that will make him happy, even if there is much more to life that I would rather explore before I am wed."

He smiled fondly at you. You were unlike any woman he had spoken to, granted he had spoken to women mainly at balls like this one and as they were all there to find a groom, it was rare to find someone that agreed with him.

"I'm Philip," he smiled. "Philip Hamilton."

"Y/F/N Y/S/N," you replied.


Written by Charlotte.

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