Lafayette- Dance: Modern AU (a)

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"I've never been with a Frenchman before." The thundering bass deafened out any attempt of conversation with the man whom you had been exchanging fleeting glances with for the whole night.

He tried to speak but you couldn't quite make out what he was trying to say, but from his gestures you presumed it was something along the lines of 'I cant hear you, should we go some place quiet?' to which you simply nodded and was led to an empty room far away from the weddings reception which seemed to be another event hall that was out of use.

"I don't think Alex knows how to do things with subtlety." He laughed, it was nice to finally be able to hear his voice. "So, what were you trying to tell me in there?" He took a sip from the intricately etched tumbler that sat in his hand and unbuttoned his jacket with the other.

"I said, I have never been with a Frenchman."

"And how exactly did you know that I was French?"

"Oh please, the whole country knows who you are. Marquis De Lafayette... a name that echoes throughout the country." He took another sip, this time finishing the drink and leaving the empty glass on an unclothed table.

"Ha, please. You're going to make me blush. I would ask you to dance but the music in there isn't quite to my waltzing standard." He peered back into the chaos that was Alex and Eliza's wedding.

"I'm sure we can figure something out." He swooped towards you and hooked his arm under yours and rested his hand on your bare back.

"Wait, wait." He pulled backwards and pulled his phone out of his pocket, from the silence came mellifluous music, presumably French, percussion, string and woodwind all melding together into a perfect melody of grace and poise that echoed and ricocheted off the embellished walls. He returned to his previous position and slowly led you around the dimly lit empty hall.

"Wow, of all of the talents of yours that are known to the world, I don't think dancing is one of them." You talked as you both spun around the room with unprecedented elegance.

"What can I say, I've spent my hopping from place to place, you tend to pick up a few skills, and besides, it always comes in useful when I come across a... particularly lovely treasure such as yourself."

Written by Aaron.

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