Thomas Jefferson- Letter (a)

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Mr. Jefferson rapidly walked into his office, taking off his coat and throwing it onto the coat hook from a far and sitting on his chair, kicking his feet onto the desk.

"Be a lamb darling, there's quite a backlog of post, wont you open it?" He rested his hands behind his poufy, bouncy hair and leant back in his chair. You picked up the top letter off of the pile, it was one of the only ones directed to 'Thomas' and not Mr. Jefferson. The name on the back had been written in red in very eloquent, flowing handwriting.

"Looks like this one is from a lover Mr. Jefferson? Want to keep it to read in your own personal time?"

"No Y/N, probably just one of the many woman I made acquaintances with in France, there will probably be a few in there so just go for it, worry not, I will not be embarrassed." He waved his hand, motioning you to continue.

You peeled the envelope apart and out fell a dried, flattened flower, vibrant and blue.

"Yes..." Mr. Jefferson chuckled to himself, "...must be one of the ones I met in Paris."

The letter read...

"To Thomas,

I hope you will return soon, I miss you here. Without you here it feels so cold. When you get back to Virginia let me know as soon as possible. I just want to be able to speak to you. I did not send this letter to France as I know you probably did not get a moments peace, so I sent it here instead.



Mr. Jefferson shot up from his seat and ran across the desk, looking extremely red in the face, he pinched the letter out of your hands along with the flower and ran back to his desk, unlocking the top door of his cabinet and placing it in, locking the door again.

"Mr. Jefferson..." you tried hard to cover a smile "... is there something you have not been telling us?"

"What? Me? Pfft... no... he's... just playing around. Now, before you read the next letter, can you do me a favour?"

"Whatever you say sir." You responded, still trying hard to cover your smirk.

"Can you get me some paper, ink and a quill? I need to... write... to President Washington, very important business you see. Yep..." he tapped his fingers on the desk "very important."


Written by Aaron.

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