Alexander Hamilton- Foolish (c)

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Although your mind told you to never return home to your husband, your heart couldn't let you do that to your children. You had always thought you would have a stable home life for your family, but you needed a couple of days away from your husband to clear your head and think what you could do for the best of your family.

You had fallen in love with Alexander many years before and married him even though everyone else told you not to. Of course, you thought you were right but now, you understood why everyone was apprehensive about your marriage. Alexander had always been a good husband, he did focus on his work a bit too much, but you never doubted his love for you and your children, not until he had an affair. You didn't blame the woman for having a sexual relationship with your husband, it wasn't your place to be angry with her, her own husband could do that if he wished, but your husband was the one that you were betrayed by. He had been cheating on you for a long while and then publicly told the country of his indiscretion, making a fool of you and your marriage.

When you entered your home, he was waiting for you, ready to beg for you forgiveness. You heard out his plea before you would say anything to him.

"I promise you that I will never do anything like that again," he stated. "I will do everything in my power to make this up to you, I will do anything you want to seek your forgiveness."

You nodded your head. "It will not be easy. Would you rather fight for our marriage, or return to an easy life with your mistress?" You said, venom in your words.

"That isn't even a question," he said, a gentle smile on his lips. "You are my world, and I want to work to get you to see that."

"I will not be seen as a fool for giving you another chance Alexander. This is for the children, not for you."

He nodded in agreement. "Do you trust me?"

You couldn't help but laugh. How could you trust a man who had made you a fool to everyone you knew and betrayed every ounce of trust you ever had?

"It shouldn't surprise you when I say no to such a stupid question. I will be unlikely to ever trust you as I once did. I already hate myself for still loving you, I will not be foolish enough to agree to give you my trust so easily once again."

Alexander took your hand within his, raising it to press a gentle kiss to the back of it.

"I promise you that I will make up my idiocy to you. I will no longer be so selfish, and I shall make sure the world knows how much I love you. I just want to make sure that you're treated as perfect as you truly are."

"I shall wait and see."


Written by Charlotte.

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