He took one last deep breath through his nose before turning off the lights and throwing himself into the soft sheets. Snuggling his head into his puffy pillow while grabbing it lightly. As he laid on his tummy with his eyes closed and waited for his dreams to take over, he heard his phone buzz.

Ignore it. It's probably nothing.

He eyes again. But then it buzzed again and he sighed, knowing that the social freak he was wouldn't be able to sleep if he didn't check what it was. Probably a lame update or whatever.

He picked up his phone from the floor before laying himself back on his tummy again. Only to wrinkle his forehead in surprise when he saw what it was.

A DM on instagram, from TonyZtark_.

What the? He thought, being slightly surprised that Tony even knew his Instagram and that he was still awake.
He unlocked his phone and opened instagram with curious eyes. Reading through the message.

TonyZtark_:You're probably not awake but I know how to fix your "try out" problem.

Steve's eyes turned wide as he tapped his fingers on the screen.

Steverogers: What? How?

TonyZtark_: So you are awake.

Steve wanted to roll his eyes at the response but he was way too tired to care by now.

Steverogers: Obviously, why are you awake?

TonyZtark_: Doesn't matter, why are you?

Steverogers: Doesn't matter.

He smiled a little when the other person stopped writing. Almost like he was thinking about what to answer next. Which he probably was.
After a few seconds of silence, Steve's phone vibrated again and the text popped up.

TonyZtark_: Fine. I couldn't sleep.

Steverogers: Did you even try?

TonyZtark_: Why do you care?

Steverogers: Just asking.

TonyZtark_: ...okay no I didn't. BUT if I had tried I wouldn't be texting you right now.

Steverogers: True 😏

TonyZtark_: Why the hell are you awake?

Steverogers: Bad dream.

TonyZtark_: Aww..want me to sing you a lullaby?

Steverogers: Oh haha...

Steve couldn't help but smile amusingly with the phone resting in his hand. The light from the screen was shining up his face while the idea of getting back to sleep was totally forgotten by now.
He was too occupied with texting this dorky jerk to worry about sleep. Maybe he should call him that from now on.

Steverogers: So...what do you mean with "know how to fix my try out problem"?

TonyZtark_: I might have found a solution so you can run properly...

Steve's breath got caught in his throat as he read through the message.

Steverogers: How?

He copied his first tex quickly. Tapping his fingers impatiently at the frame of his iPhone while waiting for Tony to finish typing.

TonyZtark_: I did a little research and experimenting and came up with somehing that'll help support your ankle.

Steverogers: Wait, you didn't need to do that for me.

TonyZtark_: I didn't do it for you. I need it or my project.

Steverogers: Whatever you say 😏

TonyZtark_: Back to the subject🙄 Come over before school so we can try it. I've already tried it myself but need to be sure that you can handle it.
TonyZtark_: ...
TonyZtark_: That sounded wrong..

Steverogers: Yea it did 😂

TonyZtark_: You know what I ment.

Steverogers: Yea...thank you for helping me.

TonyZtark_: Whatever.

And with that the online sign on Tony's profile ddisappearedand Steve was left with their chat in front of his eyes. A smile had formed on his lips during their conversation, and a warm cozy feeling in his stomach that hadn't been there before, suddenly appeared

He put his phone back onto the hard floor again before pulling the soft cover over his blond haired head. Sleep was now taking over his body and his eyelids felt even more heavy second by second, and after a while, he closed them fully.

Sorry again for such a short chapter. I just finished school and will from now on publish more often...

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now