Then talk.

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Minas pov.

,,Then talk."

Those two words were the last thing I said, before I finally backed away from her, keeping eye contact while doing so. To be honest I didn't even want her here with me anymore. I just wantes to be alone. It hurts looking at her. It hurts to see what a wonderful human I lost in a matter of seconds, but as much as my head told ne to just make her leave, my heart told me the opposite.

I was now sitting on the cold ground, my arms crossed and our eyes locked while doing so. I wait. I wait and wait for her to start what she wanted to tell me and even though she's not even talking, her eyes tell me what she feels. It felt like the silence around us created space just for the both of us. Space in which only the two of us existed. For others it might sound funny, but we didn't need no words to understand each other. Our eyes communicated. It was like were reading each others mind and right when I was about to get lost in the feeling of this love again...That love that I didn't know still existed, I broke the eyecontact, looking at my shoes now, trying to find a distraction. We can't just continue what we had as if nothing happened. She broke me.

,,You have 3 minutes to tell me, what you wanted to so bad. You better hurry up."

And in exact that moment I saw how her gaze dropped. How she went from hope to despair in a matter of seconds. She was now playing with her fingers, the same way she used to everytime she got nervous in front of me.

,,I...I messed everything up. I know that. And I know that I'm probaly the last person that deserves you, but it's just...I was...angry. After seeing you with Seulgi I was so mad and jealous, that I didn't know how to handle my feelings. I messaged you, but... looks like you weren't the one talking. I wanted to just disappear. Not see you again. I went back home and that probably the dumbest decision I have EVER done I my life, because deep inside, I knew how much I actually needed much I love you. And when I got back I ran into Suyeon. He apologized so many times to me amd I believed him. I knew that's so stupid, more than just stupid, but I decided to give him a chance. So today he came over and we decided to watch some movies. I wanted to clear my mind. Get you out of it, but you never really left. Right we both heards someone come in, he suddenly kissed me...He kissed me, even though he knew it was you. He kissed me even though he knew it would hurt you so much. When I pushed him away and wanted to run after you, I asked him what he was doing and he just said, that he did that for me. I kicked him out. I don-

I cut her off by kissing her. I don't know what came into my mind. It felt like all the sadness that was rushing through my whole body just a few minutes ago, went away from word to word. I all my worries disappeared once I just kissed her and when I felt those sweet lips with the mole over them kissing me back, moving in sync with me. It was like we were i a movie. Both such broken persons, together more than just fine. The wet tears, that were now leaving both our eyes, but this time not out of sadness, but relief.

Narrovers pov.

,,Fuck you, why didn't you right away?!"

The korean asked her, laughing after pushing the confused japanese back and wiping her own tears.

,,You didn't give me the chance to! It's your own fault."

The other girl claimed, laughing back at the girl, that was sitting in front of her.

,,Ugh shut up, just come her and make it good already."

The short haired girl pointed on her lap, wanting her love to get on top of it, making her shy.

,,B-But it's a...public place. Ehh we can't know."

The now shy girl stuttered, looking at the other one nervously. Chaeyoung on the other hand just laighed at the girls argument.

,,What? You really think we're going to fuck now? Oh in your dream Myoui. You know...I'm not that easy to get."

,,You know what shut up. Wy did you want me on your lap anyway?"

,,Oh I just wanted to cuddle."

The short one said, smiling at the other one, pulling her on top of her now, hugging her tightly while doing so.

,,Can I stay with you tonight? I...I missed you. I missed you a lot...."

The japanese girl asked, hugging the girl she was sitting on even tighter than before and hiding her face in the crook of her neck. She missed her scent. She missed everything about her. Her plump lips, the mole under them, which she always loved to leave a peck on, her cute and tiny nose, but mostly her eyes...Those so innocent looking eyes, which sparkle like the stars in the night sky. She was her light.

,,I'd love that. I don't think I can bear another night without you in my arms."

The japanese girl now backed away, looking at the other girls eyes, falling for her all over again. She now gave her a long lasting kiss on the lips, leaving a peck on her mole afterwards, then on her nose, her cheek and in fact all over her face. It was crazy how she still felt those butterflies in her stomach with literally every touch.

,,Let's go then."

Heyy soo sorry that the updates these days took so long, I had 3 exams and they were like super super important, because now I finally finished school, but only to go to another school again :( I'll do like 2 or 3 more updates and I think I'll end the story afterwards, cause it's time to go drinking again from now on heheheh.
Hope you like the update and thanks for being patient. Oh and I got my heart broken by a boy I hate my life he's an asshole xD

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