Arc 1: Chapter 14 Road to Freedom

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We've been traveling for quite a while now, they tighten the bags on our head we can't see anything aside from the darkness. They truly don't want us to know we are going.

It doesn't matter either way, once I see their leader, he or she will die. The rough ride has stopped, it seems that we're on a paved road, I can feel that we are almost here. Another couple minutes have passed in a suffocating ride, we finally stop. They grabbed us without remorse and threw us on the ground and I heard a loud clench on the teeth, Naira wasn't happy how they were treating me. 

“Heh, the lord will fancy these two newcomers, send them to his quarters.” He said, what a fool, I never knew this was so easy. We were dragged along towards his room, when we reached the room, they closed the door and removed our bags from our heads. “Very impressive Captain. These two will fit nicely with my collection of demon sex slaves but I think I'll keep this two for myself.” He wore a purple robe and had blue eyes alongside blond hair, this man had a ripped slim build, his hair is all slick back. He was tall and domineering.

“You are dismissed.” He said, his voice of tone screams arrogant and spoiled. I hate him. “Naira. If you please.” I simply sighed and shut my eyes. Naira apprehended them single handedly in a blink of an eye, I untied myself with ease, “Don't kill them...yet.”

“As you wish, my queen.” She said Naira knocked them out cold. I presumed we could wait until he wakes up, I'll let Naira guard him while skulk around the estate. “Naira. Stay here until he wakes up, once he is awake. Interrogate him. I'll summon my ghost knights to stand guard.” 

“But your highness, I wan-”

“Silence. This is important, ask him where all of the villagers are and other information, you'll know what to do.” I said. I summoned my ghost knight, they were 7 of them, they were drenching in dark ectoplasm, their capes were ragged and their armor was rusty and old. Helmets have cracks and missing pieces and they don't have faces. I commanded them to stay and guard. Kill anyone who holds the same air as the bandits and scums.

“I’ll be on my way, don't disappoint me now.” I look at Naira coldly, It's tough acting like a cruel demon lord. I sighed. Wait a minute, I just realize I have space magic. I forgot all about it. I should test this out when I have time for now I need to save those villagers and find out what's going on.

I kicked the door open and there were two guards besides them when I announced my present, my ghost knights took them out swiftly and silently. I only send two out and kill anyone who has the same air as the bandits on this floor, maids, butlers and others are spared for now. Our only lead is that worthless noble and the guy with the squid mask, he seems to know what he is doing. It doesn't matter in the end. They'll all die either way. Scums like them don't deserve such mercy.

I have Stealth at level 60, it was enough for me to use [Cloak: Can make oneself invisible for a long period of time, 100 mana per minute.], the reason why I have it at level 60, the stealth guide said the higher the level, the more mana cost and less time you have because people who max out stealth will get {Stealth clones: The more clones you have, the more mana they consume per 30 seconds, they can also can go invisible but not the user.}

Most people are stayed away from maxing it out due to it evolving to {Stealth Clones} for [Cloak] but who knows, I prefer to be the one invisible, at the end of the day it's all about preferences besides Level 60 is enough to unlock [Reduce action noises and be unseen] this doesn't mean you get go up to someone face and not notice you, it's all about the direction of the enemy eyes, if you stay too long in their sight, they will eventually see you, so that's why you have to keep moving but I don't how it will apply to the residents in this world,

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