An honest update

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I'm going to be really honest with you guys. I can't do this whole daily update thing, It puts me under pressure which in turn I would rush my stories, take a quick review of it, fix grammar mistakes while missing something really important like:

Grammar mistakes(possibly making more while fixing it)
A scene that could be done better
Missing dialogues or dialogues that doesn't make sense
Making an actually sense of what's happening
Identifying and fixing loopholes and plot

My writing style is letting you understand the events that might take place in the future, I like people guessing and speculating on what our main character and other characters will do in many different situation that might arise in the past/present/future.

There's also a lot of characters that I will be introducing, I still need to make their lore, personality and the such while improving the presenting cast with character developments. I also have to find pictures for them and edit it which can take a good half an hour or so(for the editing btw), I mean for some edits it will take a a couple of minute like this one below:

This one is an example of me rushing, I don't want to edit picture like I'm painting a picture blindly, I want to take my time to make them look better. Very sorry Luna but I'll fix you soon enough. As I say this, it doesn't mean I heavily edited the pictures for visual sakes. I do edit just the key parts that will make them in my image like their hair color or eye color. (Disclaimer: I don't own the pictures.)

If I could draw amazing anime characters, I would do it but I can't. I would happily do it if I can but I don't have the skills for it. I could train and practice but it will take too long(also, If I had a tablet and a pen. I will do it without hesitation, at least try do).

Keep note that the reason why I can update the first arc on a daily basis is because I've been working on it for a year as a hobby, now that I found a platform to upload my hobby of writing, I can finally have a reason to keep on writing rather than doing it during my past time.

You could write a short story about two characters just having a stroll through the park but this story is different, like any other story. It has its plots, characters, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution. I don't want a messy story, if I don't have the character's stories, personality and their relation to the plot, It will make me confuse even more when I'm writing, without a proper planning, I could end up on a bad spot like I would do this cool event but then I remember this one event that will lead a team to the same event eventhough I have other plans for them which will make me even more confuse, at this point I'm like time to think of a new ideas even though I like this idea better because it involves actual plot and character development rather giving a filler that will actually lead to the actual development in the next chapter.

It also doesn't help that I've been screwing up my sleeping schedule lately. A piece of advice, don't ever ruin your sleeping schedule, even if you have summer or a holiday. Just don't ruin it, I learn that the hard way. I have yet to recover.

So, in conclusion. Uploading will come in a bundle, let's say a monthly update will do, providing at least more than 10+ or more, being release on rapid succession or in one upload.

There's also life, I can't sit all day and continue my story, I could but I must continue on......Nah, I'm more of a sleeping lion, I would wake up and be really productive and then sleep like a log.

In all honesty, I've been really lazy and that's the reason why I've been really slow on progressing  my novel and also I'm a gamer so. I'm pretty occupied, there's also job hunting, not doing so well there but I will fulfill my contract of uploading more than 10+ chapters by the end of this month, also I'll upload chapters here and there as an extra.

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