Arc 1: Chapter 13 Punishment is coming

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So, I decided to travel alone but I can't so, I had to bring Naira with me. Tanya was out of question, I feel bad now. I even invited her but now the situation has change so I need her here to help the citizens.

It's fine, me and Naira can just lifesteal of mobs and such. We have to travel by dark horses in disguise. Dark horse are powerful horse, they have a lot more stamina than any other horses but their appearance can be menacing, so we use magic to disguise them as normal horses.

We already installed a teleportation pad back at the castle, so I just need to install the teleportation pad in my inventory somewhere secluded place that nobody goes to like a basement of an abandoned house or something.

We were at the front gates of Bloodsworn castle,  “Come back okay?” Sarah said as she hold her tear. I feel kinda bad now, “Come on now, don't cry now. We already talked about the teleportation pads, I’ll be here within a couple of days.” I reassure her. “You better come back!” Lucy on the other hand is throwing a tantrum. “Don't worry, I’ll be back.” I said as pat both of their heads. We buckle on our horses, of course, we were disguise as humans, I just had to keep my wings hidden, I change my eye color to blue and my hair to black, I also just put my horns inside my bag. I was ready to go. Naira on the other hand already looks human. I was wearing a brown cloak while Naira had a black one.

I wave goodbye then signal my horse to go onward. I can't wait to see the outside world. It's what I would say but 4 days of traveling, we haven't seen anyone or anything, just a desolate land full with snow and dead trees. Those humans really push us demons back to a corner.

“Naira, are we there yet?” I asked, “One more day of travel, we would reach the town of Nobo.” She responded.

“Isn't that a demon town outside kingdom's territory?”

“Yes, There are many villages that are still in the outskirts between Lusia and Yoswia.” She said, I see. I should talk to Spring about this, I prefer my citizen to be safe from bandits and slave merchants.”

“After we reach the town, we'll be close to the border.” She said, I nodded. Without wasting any time, we hurried our horses to town

When we reach the outskirts of town it seems pretty normal, although the crops doesn't look too swell, I wonder how they get food, I barely see any animals to hunt. When closer to the town, the hay roof houses were small like huts but I barely see anyone with my enhance eyesight. I felt something was wrong.

“Let's hurry.” I said. We rode our horse at the entrance of the gate. “Hurry up will ya! We don't got all day.” This scruffy bandit sounding yelling. We overheard them at the middle of town. When peek around the corner of the wall of the back of this hut. We saw up to three horse carriage, I could felt Naira’s angered. “Control yourself.” I commanded. “Ye-yes your highness.” She responded. We heard footstep behind us, I have a plan. I told we'll get ourselves capture, after that those carriage will lead us to this matter.

When we notice that they were going around the opposite corner. I let Naira hit them, of course holding her strength back. She punch the bald man on the face, crushing his nose and teeth. Well, of course, releasing at least a bit of strength. One of the men that was far away saw it. “You come out right now! Or else we'll kill everyone here.” He yelled. I smiled, what a perfect opportunity, I told Naira my plan.

We are going to let them capture us then when we get to their base we can destroy them from there, we hide our weapons in our inventory. We both showed ourselves to them, slowly walking to the carriage. The man who yelled were wearing mask that looks like squid, in fact every bandit here are wearing unique animal masks.

The man with the squid mask kicked the back of my knees making fall down on to the dirt. Naira saw this and she popped a vain but I told to not compromise the plan. He took off my hood “Damn. We got ourselves a treasure here boys. You! Shown me your face.” He demanded to Naira, Naira was reluctant to do, why would I show my face to worthless bug kind of look was the face that she was making. She took her hoods and the man went closer to her face, Naira couldn't hold it anymore. So, she kicked him on the nuts.

I just hope she doesn't kicked him hard enough that his nutsack exploded. He felt on the dirt floor, unconscious. We got tied up and they threw us at first horse carriage that at the front.

All of the women who were inside the carriage with us were in grief. The age range around 15-27 years old. I will get who's responsible for this. "We got ourselves a nice hefty bunch!" The couchman said as he laugh. "The boss will be extremely happy especially with the last two."

It seem this wasn't the first time, I'll make him suffer, slowly and painfully for doing this to my own people.

"Your highness, your aura, your aura." Naira was whispering to warn me to control myself. I forgot, "Sorry Naira." I said, I'm glad that Naira is here but when we get there, I won't hold back.

It's been really quite a while since I use my abilities, I'm always sitting on my chair while doing paperwork. I should be grateful for this people for such a wonderful gift. I can't wait to get there and open it up.

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