Introductory Arc: Chapter 19 Mass Abduction in Xenon

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Finally. Thanks to Tanya, that pest of a debuff is gone once and for all. I have Tanya to accompany me for my journey but I need at least one more or two companions to invite. I want to bring Lucy with me, even though she well trained in combat and magic, she is still a child. Maybe some other time, Solar and Luna is out of question, I can't bring bring them. They are too busy with their work of bringing this country better prosperity.

I could bring father but all he does is sleep, smoke and play with Lucy. Alice is too busy strengthening our border security and training the army. The four seasons of death are away because they have assignments from Dark to spy on the humans in various countries. Dark is busy gathering information and putting them all together. All that's left is Kat and Naira.

Naira and Kat, I could bring them both. One of the maid can be a substitute for the head maid. I made Naira as a reserve, she's not really getting any request for help from the others. Might as well take her.

Good! I have three people that I could bring with me on my journey. I already have my Father's permission to go but I must come back within six to seven months, no longer than that. Alice was so against it but now when I talk about it with her. She will accept it without hesitation because I won the fight and almost killed her. I should visit her and apologize tomorrow, with that in mind, I went to bed and sleep. I was sleeping soundly but a notification pop out, the sound was loud and it was vibrating like a phone. I'm getting a call from Medusa.

"Hello? Y'know it's like two to three in the morning." I said, I was pretty drowsy at this point. I just wanna go to bed.

"I need help....I.." Her voice sounds weak and she's hesitating to say something. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"The humans are...-"

"There she is! Get her!" The rough voice interrupted our call but at that point, the call ended. I was worried! What are the humans doing at Xenon? All night long, I've been thinking about the possibilities on what would they invade Xenon, the land is dangerous and there's no benefit for humanity at all. Did they find a new resources that would aid them for the destruction of demonkind, did they have the technology now to bypass the toxicated environment? What is going on?

It was already morning, I spent all night speculating. I must go to Dark and give him an assignment.

(Dark's POV)

I am Dark, one of the brightest and smartest brains of this kingdom yet somehow the most perverted among my peers, how unsightly of them! I don't have any problems at all! But I do have one problem, the empress. It's not that I have many problems with her and all of those problems are not bad. Just please, please for once! Don't show up in front of my door wearing a nightgown that reveals your underwear.

Wait a minute, is this a reward for doing such a great job? I'm still man. Yes, indeed. Very well, I will consider this as a reward. To see that sexy and wondrous body of our ruler! What a fantastic reward!

She gave me a task, and that task is to survey the movement on the continent of Xenon, the lizard's people home. According to my spies, there's a lot of human ships near it and their moving masses of lizards inside cages. Humans are turning them into slaves for free labour, and they invented magic barriers that is 5nd level. Truly weak, why did we lost the holy war to those pathetic lowlifes? I know why, the damn councils that's why. Good thing all of them died thanks to our empress.

There's one thing that caught my eye thanks to these cameras that the empress, this small things can take these things called pictures. Still don't know how they work but we can to see the general idea on what they are doing. Thanks to these invention made from the empress herself, our spying abilities is becoming better. The green snake lady, her beauty is so exquisite! Even though she has a snake bottoms, her curves are alluring! The delicate white skin, smooth yet looks so soft. Her green hair was shiny and luscious. I send a couple of spies to keep her in check because there's no way a species like her should exist on that continent.

I must report this to the queen immediately.

(Medusa's POV)

Everything is blurry, I feel sick and my body feels like I'm swaying left and right. This is where I realize that I'm on a ship, inside a cage. It reeks of fish and smelly rotten dead bodies, they didn't even bother cleaning up the dead bodies in one of the cages. Those are probably being used for experiments.

My hands are tied up by cuffs imbued by magic, so weak. I could break this easily but the only problem is that I can't swim because I don't have legs. They are just accessories though but that was in the game, now it's different. It became one with me, I need a special potion to have my legs back. It's not like horns that I could be taken off like a headband. I heard footsteps getting louder and louder, it seems the people that capture me are surveying their trophies. A fat man in his fancy attire with his disgusting, scummy looking thugs.

"Let's see here, those two cages over there. Put this tag and tape it on the bars, they're going to slave labour. Actually, put all of these cages with the same tags! Not even a single soul would even have someone pleasure with their slimy body." He said with disdain on his looks.

The fat bastard took a glance at me and he eyes immediately lock onto me. He's drooling all over himself.

"Boss, this chick ain't that bad" One of the bandit who was wearing a leather platted armor grabbed my hair and started pulling it towards the cold bars of this stinking cell.

"Indeed, we can get a hefty price if we sell her in the slave market. For now, let's get rid of those legs." He said as he pour a purplish potion all over my body. So rude.

The potion that I need. Just wait and watch, once I get my legs back. All of you will be sleeping with the fishes tonight or so I thought. The potion burns, I feel like being cook right now. I made a small screech of pain but I immediately covered my mouth. Those damn sadist! The pain is too unbearable, I'm losing consciousness. Everything was once again blurry then it faded into darkness.

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