Introductory Arc: Chapter 22 Sleeping with a body pillow is nice(Final Chapter)

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I'm inside my room, sitting on a chair while looking at the reports and pictures taken by Dark's spies about this Green lamia that was captured in Xenon. It's Medusa, how did they subdue her? There's a possibility that she got attack by a player. I wouldn't be surprise if I see a player or two, or maybe she got caught off guard. Impossible, she's stronger and faster than humans.

The ship is going to Venia, a small merchant country. Probably going to sell them for a load of money especially if they were to sell Medusa. I won't let them sell my friend, it seems that I have to make a departure sooner than later. Xenon to Venia takes a couple of weeks and might even months but I intend to set up base there. I could always deploy a teleportation pad. This thing is such a convenient invention, I could place them anywhere I want, as long as I set them up.

Venia is a nice country on the surface but beneath it, is the home of the worst people from bandit chiefs to pirates to serial killers. This is also one of the easiest way to make money, dirty money that is. Politics love this place, they can hire someone to do their dirty work, pay them and be done with it. Simple as that, it doesn't help that they are experts in many fields that includes kidnappings, assassinations, stealing, information gathering and many more under handed tactics.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in." I said, the door slowly creaks while it was opening. Such a squeaky door, I should get around on fixing that.

"Your highness, I'm here to hand in the report about the girl." Spring announced, I wasn't expecting the report until tomorrow, as expected of Dark's spies.

"Give it to me and while you're at it, give me information of the country Venia like it's economy." I commanded, I pour myself a glass of water because my throat is dry.

"Very well. Venia is a country ruled by a human council who calls themselves the Head Merchants, consist of 4 people that rules 4 small regions of their puny country, it's the second richest country on this continent, and Venia due to its nature of being a country for merchants, going to war with them is not out of question inside the realm of possibilities, they could easily fund a country or two to go to war. If countries goes to war, Venia would benefit the most but if we are to go to war with them, I would recommend assassinating one of the members of the council and frame it against the others which can invoke a civil war, when they are weaken, we can destroy them with one blow." She responded

"Very good but I'm don't have any intentions of going to war, not yet at least."

"If I may be so blunt your highness, please be more specific. I want to give you the right information that you are asking."

Such a daring girl, I got up from my chair then proceed to walk to her up close, face to face.

"Be honest with me, are you willing to do anything for me and for this country" I got real close to her ears and whispered. It send tickles throughout her body which made her moan.

(Spring POV)

"O-of course! Anything for you my lady." The pleasurable sensation of the wind that came out of her mouth, blown into my ear was sent throughout my body. Such horrifying seductive technique! As expect of your highness.

"Then sleep with me." She said as she went to her bed and laid her body on its soft bed, welcoming with open arms.

"Mistress, I'm still going to accept your offer but your royalty, a lowly servant like would only ruin you-" My body is moving on its own, what's happening? Is the empress doing this to me? It's only her and me. As I was getting consumed my thought, I didn't realize that I was already in her arms.

"Say what you will, every single one of you is still under my control. I can move you where every I want and do any task without question but if I do that, I would be a tasteless ruler and it would be boring. So, I let you have your own free will. Controlling people isn't my forte, it's too much work." She said as she hug me tightly. Her face isn't scary nor serious, it looks sad. Did something happen?

"All you need to do is to be quiet and be my pillow. That is all." That's all? I was expecting more, my shoulder felt wet, it was like raining droplet of water. she's crying, why? Our fearless and merciless Empress crying? "It's refreshing, I've been alone for so long. Now, I have comfort. Everyone here is my blanket that keeps me protected and warm. I will not have be rip into bits and pieces" her hug gor tighter and tighter, at this rate. She's gonna break my back, I hugged her back while patting her head. It calmed her down, this....this is not so bad. It's been a while, no, forever since I seen this empress. The unsure, lonely, and weak yet strong.

I was shock that she told me that she didn't do that act where she shows her display of power by having Solar disguise as a citizen and have her break all of his bones in public, right in front of her people to incite fear in order to keep control of the situation. That was Alice in disguise, during that time, Oblivian was captured by that cruel king. She was a sheltered child during that time, didn't know anything like the war. She was always kept in the dark back then.

"You can do anything you want with me." I closed my eyes, and wait for whatever action she's going to do but know this my mistress. I will follow you wherever you want.

The night passed like any other nights, nothing happen. She was being serious about me being her pillow, I couldn't escape her grip and when I did, she would moved a lot in bed to the point that she would accidently kicked me out of the bed. When I woke up, her foot was on my cheek, I got at least two hours of sleep. It's no joke that she's the merciless, she would never show mercy to anyone even on her own bed as her body pillow. What rough night, I'm gonna go to sleep on the couch.

Author's Note:

The introductory Arc is finally finish! Yay! All of the chapters under this Arc will undergo heavy editing of grammar and spelling mistakes. So that future readers can enjoy.

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