Chapter 18- PART 2

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First period took to a different turn today. My Art teacher spent most of the hour, talking about what to do when we experience a lockdown in our school.The class didn't looked too concern, but I did. I mean, I care about my safety, and they should too, with theirs.

"So, does anyone have any questions regarding the procedure, when we are experiencing a lockdown?" my Art teacher wondered, looking around the class.

The class responded with silence.

"Alright, then. You may spend the rest of the hour talking with your friends."

And there my classmates went, conversations immediately erupted from the room, while I sat in my desk, drawing.

Finally, the bell rings, ending first period.

Second period was totally different from first hour. There were no talks about lockdown procedures, just the typical U.S History topics you would hear at school. We were taking notes, participating in class, and suddenly--

A loud, deafening sound interrupted our class. It sounded like it was coming from the hallways.

"What was that?!" one of the students wondered, feeling intimidated.

The sound erupted again.

"Was that... a gunshot?!" Gabriella shrieked.

The class murmured, looking at each other with fright in their eyes.

I, on the other hand, was screaming on the inside.

I could hear loud screams, coming from the classroom that was across from us. I quickly got from my seat, and from the doorframe, watched a tall guy trying to bust through the door.

"Everyone, get to the back of the room, now!" Mr. Parker yelled out.

Our class quickly dashed to the back of the room, and so did I.

I was not ready to die. Not now, not now. Please, let not your weapon take my life away! Don't take these kids' lives away! What did we ever to you, you killer of souls? What... did we ever do to you?

A loud banging came from the door. "Open the door, now!"

My classmates shook in fear. Tears started rolling down in some faces.

"It's okay, class. It's okay. We'll figure something out, I promise." Mr. Parker assured us with his gentle tone.

"I said, open the door, now!" the man said once more.

We all sat there in silence, some comforting each other as tears continued to roll down from their eyes.

The door smashes open after a few shots from the gun. The man turned to us, with a menacing look in his eyes.

"You! Back off from your kids!" the man commanded, pointing the gun at Mr. Parker.

"I will not back off from these kids. I'll do whatever it takes to protect them, no matter the outcomes." Mr. Parker replied firmly.

"Suit yourself." the man chuckled, positioning his hand on the trigger.

"Mr. Parker! No!" I shouted, running up to him.

The man shoots his gun as I pushed Mr. Parker aside.

And there I was, on the ground, with a bullet on my side.

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