Chapter 4

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Fast forward to lunch, everybody heads out for the door. The principal announced that it was a beautiful day outside, so the teachers and the students get to eat outside. Of course, I was the last person to head out for the door. I really wanted to thank Mr. Parker for what he did earlier. No one has ever treated me like that before.

As I walked outside, everybody was eating. Some were running around and playing games. I sat alone, under a tree, where the leaves of the tree give you the perfect shade for a perfect lunch. I got out my lunch, and the smell of the pepperoni pizza filled the atmosphere. I couldn't hold it any longer, so I took a bite of the pepperoni pizza, and the toppings and everything that was on it was melting in my mouth with goodness and tastiness. I got out my canned soda that was placed next to my pepperoni pizza and opened the can. The sound of the fizz was just so relaxing. It was just like tiny bubbles popping in one place. As I was enjoying my lunch, I heard a familiar voice called out.

"Ms. Rothstein!"

I looked to my right side.

"Mr. Parker?! Wha... what are you doing here? Not to be rude, but aren't you supposed to be eating with the teachers and not the students?" I asked with curiosity.

Mr. Parker smiled.

"I don't think that there should be any limits with students and teachers, Ms. Rothstein."

"You know what? I guess you're right."

"Indeed." Mr. Parker replied as he sat beside me underneath the shady tree.

"So, why did you decide to sit beside me anyway? Could've you sat with the other students... instead of me?" I wondered.

He paused eating his sandwich, and looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Why not? Do you hate me that much?"

"What? Me? Of course not! I was just..."

"You were just what?" he asked in a jokingly manner.

"You know what... never mind." I said as I continued to eat my pizza.

Mr. Parker looks at me with a friendly smirk on his face.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" I asked, as I slowly took my slice of pizza out of my mouth.

"You're too easy to fool around, Ms. Rothstein." Mr. Parker said with laughter in his voice.

I blushed.

"Uh... thanks? I guess I'll take that as a compliment then!"

"You're very welcome, Ms. Rothstein." Mr. Parker replied as he looked at the kids running and playing around the school grounds.

"Mr. Parker?"

"Yes, Ms. Rothstein?"

"Thank you for standing up for me and other students that are from different races, despite Gabriella mocking us in an unapproving manner. "

Mr. Parker looks at me, grinning with joy.

"You're very, very, welcome, Ms. Rothstein. It was my greatest pleasure."

I smiled and continued to eat my lunch.

As the hour went by, we both had a great lunch together. No one has ever stood up for me like that before. It was like I knew Mr. Parker for a very long time, but in reality, I really don't. I felt that he was my only best friend in the whole world despite the two of us being in different universes. But still, I couldn't thank him enough for what he did today for me and other students who were from other countries. If my friends from Canada were here, they would know how great of a teacher he is to ever exist in the whole history of teachers that I have ever encountered in my whole life.

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