Chapter 10

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"Oh, great! You're back!" Mr. Parker said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's me! Again!" I replied with a giggle.

We both smiled at each other.

"So, why did you leave so early?" Mr. Parker asked with curiosity.

"I wanted to ask my mom about having visitors in our house, and I was hoping if you would like to come over to our house tonight. I mean, we haven't had visitors in such a long time." I said with a shrug.

"Me? Come over to your house? I would love that!" Mr. Parker said with a squeal.

"Really?! That's great!" I replied with joy.

"But!" Mr. Parker exclaimed.

" But what?" I asked.

" Before I can come over to your house, do you mind if I take you to my favorite place?"

I looked at him with a raise of my eyebrow. "Where is this place that you are taking me?"

"Follow me, and I'll show you." Mr. Parker replied as he gets up from his chair and starts walking.

So, off I went, following Mr. Parker to his favorite place. I was curious, yet excited. I hope that this place is good!

"Here it is..." Mr. Parker said as he looked at the vintage- looking building.

I stood there in astonishment. "What is this place, anyway?"

"It's a hot chocolate restaurant." Mr. Parker replied.

"Oh, I didn't know that there was more than one type of hot chocolate," I said surprised.

"Well, surprise-surprise! There are more than one type of hot chocolate!"

"So, shall we go in?" I asked with excitement.

"We may," Mr. Parker said with a nod.

And with those words, he opened the rustic-looking door that creaked as I went in.

When I stepped into the building, I was in even more astonishment. I looked around the place and saw fancy looking tables that were made out of wood. I looked up the ceiling and saw a beautiful chandelier that was made out of gold. There was also the smell of wonderful hot cocoa that was filling the around the atmosphere of the small building that captivates me.

"Beautiful place, isn't it?" Mr. Parker said as he stood next to me, looking around the building.

"Yes, it is beautiful," I said with a nod.

And before I knew it, the man who is working on the counter called for the next person in line. We were next.

"Hello, what I can get you guys on this lovely, windy afternoon?" the man asked.

"I would like to get two orders of caramel cocoa, please?" Mr. Parker ordered as he took his wallet out, ready to pay.

"Alright, that would be $5.25." the man said.

Mr. Parker gives him the money. "Thank you, sir."

"You're welcome. Have a nice day!" the man replied with a smile.

"And to you!" Mr. Parker exclaimed as he lent me the hot cocoa that was filled with a lovely aroma.

We were finally out of the building and walking. Mr. Parker already started drinking his hot cocoa. I, on the other hand, looked down at my hot cocoa and adored its wonderful heart design. I couldn't just simply destroy this wonderful heart design!

...But I did anyway, sadly.

"So, do you like it?" Mr. Parker asked with a smile.

"Oh yes, yes I do! Is this what you usually order when you go visit that place?"

"Yes, yes it is. Is there a problem with that, Reuven?"

"Oh no, definitely not! Why would I?" I asked.

"I was just wondering, and don't worry, I ain't mad at you." Mr. Parker said as he looked back at his drink.

We both went silent for a moment as we walked to my house. I looked up towards the clouds, and saw that the sun was about to fall back asleep.

I opened the door and entered my house with Mr. Parker following behind me.

"Oh, hey Reuven! You're ba--"

My mother pauses as soon as she saw Mr. Parker.

"Mr. Parker, it's a pleasure that you're here. Thank you so much for taking the time to come here."

"Oh, you're so welcome. Reuven, here, told me about everything."

Mr. Parker looks back at me and smiles. I smiled back.

"So, please, make yourself at home. I'm making dinner, right now. See you two later!" my mother said as she ran back towards the kitchen.

"So, Reuven, do you mind giving me a little house tour?" Mr. Parker asked as he turned to me.

"Oh, sure! Come on!" I exclaimed as I let him followed me to begin our house tour.

From then on, I showed Mr. Parker around my house. I did my best to keep him engaged, and did not want to make the tour sound boring. So far, I'm doing a pretty decent job of showing him around the house. He's has been smiling a lot (especially when he sees my mom).

Young love... am I right?

As we continued our house tour, Mr. Parker spots a grand piano. His eyes were locked with it for a moment and smiled.

"Reuven, you didn't tell me that you can play the piano."

"Well, first of all, I do not really play the piano, but my dad did. My dad used to own a piano back then before he and my mom were divorced. He would play and sing at the same time each day and night. My mother would sit beside him and just listened to him play the piano while I was upstairs in my bedroom, doing my homework. By the time that my dad had left my mom, things have changed. She would put the grand piano in the storage room, never to be used again. I still don't get how she'd manage to bring the piano with her in her truck, and I had no idea that she was bringing the piano with her as we were driving to the USA! I mean, that thing is huge!"

"Then, why did you decided to bring the piano out here? Does your mother know how to play the piano?"

"Nope, none of us does. My mom just decided to bring the piano out here, because she just misses my dad terribly."

"You know, your mom reminds me of my mother. Despite all the bad things that my father has done wrong to my mom, she still loved him and missed him after that motorcycle incident that had happened just years ago."

"Oh yeah, I remember that you have told me about her. Anyways, let's speak of more happy things than sad things. The past is not such a good place to visit to."

"I couldn't agree even more, Ms. Rothstein."

We both stood there in silence.

I stood closer. "Soo, aren't you gonna play?"

"Me? Play? Oh no! I can't! I'm not really that good..."

"Mr. Parker Brownley, listen to what's coming out of your mouth! You're telling me that you're no good on the piano?! Na uh! You're telling me lies, now."


"Shh! No words! Now, get out there and show the world what you got! And the piano itself too, I guess. Anyways, you get the message!" I said as I patted the piano.

Mr. Parker looks at me with a raise of his eyebrow.

"I wish you with good luck, Mr. Parker. I know that you can do this." I said with a smile.

"Thank you, Reuven." Mr. Parker replied as he positioned himself to start playing the piano.

And with that, the song finally begins.

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