Chapter 11

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It was already dinner time, and the food was ready. My mother calls out to me, but I couldn't hear a thing. I was so caught up in Mr. Parker's song, I didn't hear out her calls. My mother tried to call me again, and I still couldn't hear her. Once more, she calls out my name.

"Reuven! It's time for dinner--"

My mother pauses for a moment as she takes a long look at Mr. Parker, playing the piano, and singing as well.

"Oh, hello ma'am," Mr. Parker pauses as he looked at my mother's surprised face. "Am I disturbing anything? I can stop if you want--"

"No! Don't stop! That song was really good. I just thought that Reuven was playing the piano, but then when I saw you, I didn't really know what to expect."

Can anyone pass me a popcorn over here? This is such a good scene!

Mr. Parker chuckled. "It's rare to see a teacher that doesn't teach music, but plays piano nowadays, am I right?"

"Yes, that is true." my mother replied as she gave Mr. Parker a smile.

There was a moment of silence.

"Anyways! Mr. Parker! Do you mind staying for dinner? I mean, I get it that you might be busy with your work with school and everything..." I said, hoping that I wasn't being pushy.

"Say no more, Reuven. I would love to stay with you and have dinner. After all, we have all day tomorrow to focus on school work and all that jazz. We need to escape reality once in a while, and take a break from the busyness of life."

And with those words, we all sat down and ate my mother's delicious foods that were being served.

After we have all finished, I went up to my room to finish the remaining school work I have. Meanwhile, as I was doing my homework, Mr. Parker insisted that he should help my mother with the dishes, but my mother hesitated and said that she could do it all by herself. Mr. Parker kept insisting, and my mother has finally given in. From then on, Mr. Parker and my mother were both washing the dishes. I decided to take a break from my school work and wanted to get a glass of water. So, I went downstairs and spotted Mr. Parker and my mom smiling at each other.

How nice.

I smiled as I watched those two lovebirds washed the dishes together when suddenly, my mother caught me from the corner of her eye, watching them from the stairs.

"Reuven! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be doing your homework?"

"Uhh, I was just wanting to go downstairs to grab a glass of water, but I guess you two are pretty busy! So, I decided not to interrupt."

"Of course you could get a glass of water! All you had to do was ask, Reuven, instead of stalking Mr. Parker and I washing the dishes."

Mr. Parker looks at my mom. "Please, call me Parker. I mean, we are becoming good friends after all, aren't we?"

"Oh, yes, yes we are. And from now on, I will certainly call you Parker."

"Excellent." Mr. Parker replied with a smile.

They both stare into each other's eyes for a moment. My mother looks away and wipes the last dishes that were finished washing. She then puts them in the cupboard and puts the towel in the laundry basket that was nearby.

"Excuse me for a moment." my mother said as she runs upstairs and up to the balcony.

A moment of silence fills the atmosphere. Mr. Parker looks down, then looks back at me.

"Does your mother hate me, Reuven?"

"Hate you? Of course not! She's just..."

I paused for a moment.

"Look, all I know is that she doesn't hate you, and that's all I can tell you for now. If I were you, I would talk to her. After all, it is a beautiful night out there on that balcony."

A smile begins to escape from Mr. Parker's lips.

"You know what? I guess that it's a beautiful night out there. I'll go talk to her. I need some fresh air anyway."

Mr. Parker pours a glass of water and gives it to me.

"Here you go, Reuven. A glass of a perfectly, purified water. Stay here for a moment, I'll be back before you know it."

And with those words, Mr. Parker runs upstairs towards the balcony where my mother was in.

"Go get her, Romeo!" I called out as I took a drink from my cup of water.

Can't you just see how there is still love in this world? It just takes two lovebirds to gaze into each other's eyes and fall in love. And before you know it, that seven letter word takes over your love life.


If only people wouldn't squawk at each other like geese right away. I mean, the world used to be so innocent. So filled with love, happiness, forgiveness, patience, and more...

Now, I feel like everything is just gone.

I wish that life isn't that difficult to live, especially after my father left my mom. From then on, it became very hard for me to live my life. I even had thoughts of even taking my own life away.

Until Mr. Parker came into my life, life was better after that. I felt like I belong somewhere now. I never felt so isolated anymore after moving away from home.

Thank you, Mr. Parker, for everything that you have done for me and my mother.

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