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It was the best night that I have ever had. I don't remember the last time I went out with a guy and enjoyed myself.

I set my bag down on the kitchen table and went upstairs to check on Reuven.

And there she was, sleeping on her sketchbook with a pencil in her hand. I looked to my right, seeing a bowl of unfinished ice cream sitting on the wooden floor.

Silly Reuven.

I carefully took out the sketchbook and pencil and set it on a nearby table. I picked up the bowl of unfinished ice cream and tucked Reuven in.

"Good night, silly girl." I whispered, as I switched off the lights and quietly shut the door behind me.

The next day was like any other day, packing Reuven's lunch and making breakfast for her. I saw Reuven from the corner of my eye, walking sleepily downstairs.

"Good morning, sleepy head. How was your sleep?" I chuckled, thinking about Reuven's sleeping incident last night.

"It was fine, mom," she replied, as she sat on the kitchen counter and started pouring orange juice into the cereal.

"Ummm, Reuven, that's not... milk."

"Wait, what?"

She looked at the bottle.

"Are you kidding me?" Reuven questioned, as she set the bottle of orange juice down with frustration.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, child. It happens to every one of us." I assured her. "Here, have a granola bar instead. It's better than eating cereal with orange juice."

"Don't even remind me," Reuven muttered. "But thanks."

"No problem."

I looked towards the clock.

"Alright Reuven, start getting dressed and brush your teeth. You only got fifteen minutes left before school starts."

"Okay, mom." she replied, dashing upstairs.

Once Reuven was done getting ready, I decided to drive her to school today.

And off we went, driving up to her school.

The car ride on our way there was pretty silent. No ping-ponging of words, only silence.

Just good old silence.

We finally arrived to school, only ten minutes left on the clock.

I turned to Reuven.

"Stay safe, good child."

"Don't worry, mom. I'll stay safe." Reuven replied with a smile.

I just hope that everything will go right for her today.

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