Chapter 17

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"Rosalina!" I called out, running after her as fast as I could.

Her response was the crying and fast-paced running.

"Rosalina, please! I want to talk to you... please don't run away." I spoked, stopping in my tracks.

She paused, turned around, and looked at me with tears falling from her hazel eyes.

"What do you want, Parker? Is there anything you want to criticize me about?"

"Rosalina, I--"

"You know what? I shouldn't have gone on this date with you. This was supposed to be a good time for you and I, but nope! I just ruined it for you, and now you're probably regretting taking me on this date, because of all the trouble I caused you, and..."

She began to sob.

"I'm sorry, Parker... I'm really, really, sorry..."

I watched the wretched soul, slowly collapsing to the ground. My heart grieved as I was witnessing this moment.

I quietly walked up to her, knelt down, and carefully lifted her chin up.

"Rosalina, there's nothing you should be apologizing for. It was not your fault that things went wrong. It was wrong of that woman to say such things to you."

"And yet, she was right. I guess I really am making Reuven's life so miserable..."

I took her hand and held her in my arms.

"Now, I wouldn't blame myself if I were you." I smiled.

I took her hand once more, and twirled her around. She looked at me with such confusion.

"What are you doing?" Rosalina asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm trying to cheer you up." I replied with a chuckle.

"What? By making me dizzy?"

"Is that how I'm making you feel right now?"


We both giggled.

Not far away from where we were standing, we could hear piano and violin music coming from the park.

"Looks like a few musicians came to play some music tonight." Rosaline pointed out.

I looked towards her.

"May I have this dance, dear Rosalina?"

"Me? Dance? Well, I've never danced with a guy in such a long time."

"Mind if I show you, then?"


She thought for a moment.

"Why, sure, I guess..."

I took her hands and showed her how it was done. Soon, we were waltzing under the starry night.

Once we were done, we started heading for home. Our hearts were filled again with such joy and great happiness. We finally made it to Rosaline's house, and I was not ready to let her go yet.

"Parker, I would like to thank you for a great night, and especially for dealing with me."

"My pleasure, and thank you, for a great night."

"You had a great time?"

She looked shocked.

"Of course I had a great time! The best part was being with you this whole night."

"Is that what you really think, Parker?"

"... Would I ever lie to you?"


"Good answer."

We both chuckled.

"Well, I guess this is it, Parker..."

"Not quite yet..."

I lifted her up and kissed her on the lips.

(And this went on for about a good five seconds).

I carefully put her back down and smiled at her.

"My word..." Rosalina commented.

I laughed.

"How do you feel?" I asked, trying to hold in my laughter.

"Confused." she chuckled.

"Is that in a good way?"

"It sure is, loverboy."

We both smiled at each other.

"Anyways, it's getting late. I better get going. Good night, Parker. Rest well."

"And to you as well, dear Rosalina."

I watched her going up the stairs and opening the door.

She looked back at me once more.

"Sweetest of dreams..." I mouthed.

Rosalina smiled and closed the door behind her.

And soon, I was making my way back home.

My, what a night I had.

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