Chapter One

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"Reuven! It's a very lovely afternoon today! Would you like to go for a walk with me?" 

I woke up from my nap to the sound of my mom's voice echoing the house.

"An afternoon walk, you said?" 

"Well, of course!"

I thought for a moment.

"Alright, I'll be right with you in about... five minutes later."

So off I went to my closet, wondering what outfit should I wear for an outdoor walk.

"What to wear, what to wear..." I wondered to myself.

I came across a Steven Universe shirt and blue jeans that were given to me last Christmas by my grandparents in Canada.

"Grandma and grandpa's Christmas gift! Of course!"

I quickly changed my house outfit to my Christmas gift clothing. As I finished, I looked at myself in the mirror and thought to myself, "You get out there and show the people of who you are!"

"Reuven! Your five minutes is up!" my mom reminded.

"Oh my goodness, that's right." I said to myself.

I ran downstairs and met up with my mom.  I opened the door and the wind gently hits my face. I could see all of the leaves changed their colors and formed small piles along the side of the road. It has been a while that I have been outdoors. We both started walking and crunched some leaves. I looked up at the crystal, blue sky, and saw some birds singing their songs of freedom in the windy and breezy afternoon. It is a great way to escape from reality when life gets you down.

My mom points towards a wooden park bench. She wanted to rest for a while. I was kind of tired too, so I followed her towards the bench and took a seat.

I looked at my mom.

"Mom, did you had a wonderful time last Christmas while I was at Canada with my grandparents?"

There was no response, except for the howling wind.


"Reuven, your dad and I... we were..." 

"What? What happened? I could not stand the suspense!" 

There was a melancholy look on her face.

"We both got a divorce..."

It was like a sharp knife had pierced my heart.

"You... did... what?! But how? Why?" I asked in a worried voice.

"He said that he had enough with me. He thinks that I'm too much for him, and he thinks that I am not good enough for him." my mom replied with a hint of sadness in her voice. 

"Oh mom... I am so sorry. Dad has made the wrong decision to leave you alone like that!  You are the best wife a man could ever have! How very uncivil and immature for him to do such a thing..."

My mom looks up at me and smiles a little bit.

"Thank you, Reuven. But for now, let's forget about the past, and focus on the present.

I nodded and looked at the sunset with its wonderful orange, red, and yellow colors that painted the sky. I smiled with tears in my eyes. I never knew that life could be so beautiful.

My mom gets up from the bench.

"Reuven, it's getting a little bit late. We should head home. First day of school starts tomorrow."

I sat there wide-eyed.

"What?! School?! But why didn't you tell me this? How did you know about this---"

"Enough questions Reuven. I know that we just moved from Canada when it was Christmas break. I am very confident that you will make a lot of new friends here, okay? Now, let's get home." 

My mom starts to walk away from me. She looks back at me.

"Are you coming with me, or would you like to sleep in the cold?"

"I'm so sorry, mom! I was just..."

"Reuven, I was just kidding." she replied with a giggle.

I smiled.

"I knew you were. You always do."

We both smiled at each other, and walked back home safely and soundly.

Welcome, new home, America.

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