Chapter 16

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It was a wonderful night in the streets of RochenBurg. The streetlights were on, and the birds were singing their songs of freedom, just like they did in the mornings. The night was young, and quite a mood-setting atmosphere to the lovers out there. I looked towards Parker, who was so engrossed in the stars that shined down on us. He noticed my glancing, and smiled at me. I replied with a cheerful curve on my lips and looked at the decorated night sky with him.

"So, be honest with me, how are you feeling about going on this date with me?" Parker wondered.

"Silly man, we haven't even started yet. How can you ask such a question?" I chuckled.

"Well, my lady, dates don't have to start in restaurants or in any fancy place, it can be at any time. It can be in our conversations, our giggles, and the giving of flowers." Parker replied with a smile.

"I see that you're quite the speaker," I remarked.

"Indeed, I am." Parker winked.

We both giggled.

"By the way, I've been wondering, what is your name?" Parker questioned.

"My name is Rosalina, good man."

"Ahh, I see. Rosalina..."

"Is there a problem with that, Parker?"

"Why, of course not! Why would I have an issue with a name that's so... interesting?"

"Ha! My name? Interesting? You must be joking..."

Parker stopped on his tracks and turned to me.

"Would I ever lie to you on our first date?"


Parker chuckled and played with my hair. "You're so silly."

"Heh, I guess I am."

We both looked at each other for a moment.

"Anyways, we better get going. The food awaits you and I." I said.

"You're right. We better." Parker smiled.

And off we went, racing to the restaurant.

We finally arrived, breathless from the running. We both went inside and got ourselves a table. We then sat down, giggling about what had happened.

We both ordered our foods and ate with satisfaction. Our conversations were great, the food was great... what could possibly go wrong?

A few minutes have passed, Parker and I were done with our meal. We paid our bill and began heading out for the door, until a voice called out.

"Hey, you two!"

We both turned around.

"Are you that Mr. Parker guy that my two daughters have been talking about?"

He looked like a stout, rich guy that wore a suit and a tie, and was accompanied by a lady that had an appearance that looked close to Daisy Buchanan.

"Why yes, of course, sir. Who are you, if I may ask?" Parker asked.

"Ah, my manners. I am Louis Brownington. I'm a fellow business man and a proud father of my two girls, Gabriella and Hazel." the man replied with a jolly voice.

"Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Brownington." Parker smiled, shaking the man's hand.

"And I'm Daisy Shimmers, it's nice to meet you both." the woman joined in.

"So, why the different last names with Gabriella and Hazel?" Parker questioned.

"My wife decided that Gabriella should have her last name, while Hazel, with my last name." Louis responded.

"I see," Parker nodded.

"And who's this chick?" Daisy raised an eyebrow, looking towards me.

"Her name is Rosalina, the mother of Reuven. The mother of the girl your daughters are always picking on." Parker stated, with a tint of sadness and frustration in his voice.

"Oh, that kid with a divorced family? What a shame that she has to live with a mother like you. I wonder how she is still living with you, when you gave her such a hard time back then." Daisy laughed, followed by an annoyance in her voice.


"Don't you dare say that to Rosalina! Do you have any idea of what you are saying to her?! She's been through enough. She came here to America to start a new life, and here you are, ruining it for her. What are you even thinking? To say such a thing?" Parker yelled out in anger.

"What? My daughters told me that they have overheard Reuven saying about her family being divorced, so it's only right for me to bring it up while we meet." Daisy replied, not caring about the anger rising in Parker.

"Honey, I don't think that it is right for you to be saying this--"

"Shut up, Louis. I'm only stating the facts."

"But that's not how you make an impression when meeting other people--"

"I do not care, Louis. I really don't care."

I stood there, trying to hold the tears in. I didn't wanna hurt anyone, even when it really hurts.

"I... I gotta go." I muttered, running out of the restaurant as fast as I could.

"Rosalina! Wait!" Parker called out, running after me.

"Now look what have you done, Daisy. What were you thinking?! You don't bring up that stuff when you first meet people!"

"Well, Louis, this is my way of meeting people, and there is nothing you can do about it."

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