Chapter 8

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At last, my mom and I have arrived home safely. I went up to my room and changed my clothes into my pajamas. And as I was about to put my outside clothes into the laundry basket, I could hear my mom singing love songs coming from downstairs with the music playing loudly on the speakers.

I find that to be very peculiar, because my mom doesn't usually sing love songs. She thinks that they are a waste of her time. Looks like that "Mr. Parker effect" really changed her point of view about love.

I hurried down the stairs and went up to my mom, but nearly got hit when I found her also dancing  to the love song that was playing on the speakers.

"Mom... mom?" I tried to call out.

There was no response due to the loud love song that was playing. Oh, what was I thinking? I shouldn't be just standing here. I should do something that Reuven Rothstein would do!

I went up towards where the speakers were being plugged in, and yanked the plugs out from the outlet.

"Hey! Why did you stop my song?" my mother asked.

I replied with a smile. "I thought that love songs were a waste of time to you."

My mother stood there, wide-eyed. "You're right. They do."

"Then why are you playing love songs, then? Was it because of Mr. Parker?" I teased.

"No, no it's not!" my mother replied sarcastically.

"Oh, yes it is!" I protested.

"Na uh!"

"Ya huh!"

And the argument went on for a few minutes which almost felt like forever. It was a mother-daughter type of argument (no violence was being involved). So, in conclusion to all of this quacking, my mom admits that she actually has feelings for Mr. Parker.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you! It's your love at first sight in a long time!" I squealed.

"Yeah, I guess." my mother sighed.

"Awee, what's the matter? Aren't you excited?"

"It's just that... I'm afraid to take a chance on love again. What if he doesn't truly love


I patted her shoulder.

"You're gonna be fine! It's a new beginning for you! Don't be afraid to take a chance! You really never know if you do not try."

My mom looks up at me.

"You're right, I should take this chance. I would never know if I do not try."

"Now, that's what I'm talking about!"

And with that, we both smiled at each other and get ready for bed.

Later on, as we were getting ready for bed, I could overhear the speakers from my mother's bedroom playing, Take a Chance on Me by ABBA. I could also hear her voice, singing along with the music that was playing. I'm usually not a fan of old music, but this one sounded like a hit. After I was done changing, I walked towards my mother's bedroom, seeing her not only singing, but dancing along to it as well! I smiled as I leaned onto the left side of the doorframe, watching her singing and dancing like there is no tomorrow. My mother sees me from the corner of her eye and smiles.

"Come on, Reuven! Sing and dance with me like there is no tomorrow! Wooo Weee!" my mother called out as she tossed out a brush towards me.

I caught the brush and looked at it in uncertainty, then back towards my mother.

"Alright fine, I'll dance with you!" I replied as I joined my mother, singing and dancing like there is no tomorrow.

We were in the part of the song that went like this:

Me: We can go dancing,

My mother: We can go walking,

Both: As long as we're together...

Me: Listen to some music,

My mother: Maybe just talking,

Both: Get to know you better...

Me: 'Cos you know I've got...!

My mother: So much that I wanna do,

Me: When I dream I'm alone with you

Both: It's magic!

My mother: You want me to leave it there,

Me: Afraid of a love affair!

Both: But I think you know... that I can't let go!

Both: If you change your mind, I'm the first in line

Honey I'm still free

Take a chance on me

If you need me, let me know, gonna be around

If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down

If you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown

Honey I'm still free

Take a chance on me

Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie

If you put me to the test, if you let me try

Take a chance on me...!

Me:(Come on, give me a break will you?)

Both: Take a chance on me!

From then on, we sang and danced the night away, until the music was finally finished. My mother and I looked at each other, and we both began laughing like we've never laughed before. And that my friends, is how you should celebrate life... with no worries and some old music!

(All rights go to ABBA, by the way, for their song.. :D)

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