He didn't reply as he pulled out a pack of mints with his right hand and popped one in his mouth. I realised now where that scent on his clothes came from. But it isn't strong so he probably doesn't smoke often; something I'm very happy about. But my eyes widened slightly when I caught sight of his right hand.

Without thinking, I grabbed it with both hands before he could tuck it away in his pocket again. I felt him tense at the contact. I'm not surprised though; in the last four months I've known him, I've never once been the one to initiate the contact. 

My mind trailed back to the movie theatre when I gripped his hand out of fright. Well, knowingly anyway. Not to mention that his hand was very warm to my constantly ice-cold ones.

I looked down at his bruised fist which had broken skin on one or two knuckles. I couldn't help but begin to trace my fingers over the bruising. I never once thought that the person who threw the punches got injured too. I can't believe I didn't notice it in the classroom earlier.

"Did it hurt?" I just had to ask.

I didn't look at him, but I felt his gaze on me the entire time. He shifted slightly. "Not really."

I frowned when I saw that one of his knuckles was considerably swollen and brushed my thumb over it. I felt him stiffen and my eyes widened. I looked up at him alarmed. 

"You broke your knuckle!" I gasped. He didn't deny it so I knew it was broken. I realised then just how hard Cole must've punched Ryan to be able to break a knuckle. "You should get it checked out."

"It'll be fine," he replied calmly and I looked down at it unconvinced.

I bit my lip wanting to make sure he would go, but at the same time I didn't want to appear too concerned, or else he would find out how I felt about him. And I would then die of embarrassment. 

"Why did you do it?" I asked in a quiet voice.

Cole let out a slow breath. "He ... did something that hurt someone badly."

My brow furrowed and I looked at him in confusion. "But why take it into your own hands? I get he's your cousin, but you should've just let the authorities deal with it."

Cole's eyes narrowed slightly. "Oh yes, because the authorities have been doing such a mighty job with your bullying," he said with a bite to his sarcastic words.

My eyes immediately fell and I bit the inside of my cheek, slightly uncomfortable by his tone. I gripped his hand a little tighter subconsciously.

I heard him sigh and he slowly pulled his hand out of my grasp. I blushed in embarrassment and quickly hid my hands behind my back. I can't believe I just tried to hold his hand! But what I wasn't expecting was for his warm hand to cup the side of my face. I looked up shocked and my eyes found his own dark ones, to see them soft and sincere.

"I'm sorry that I scared you," he said so softly it was hardly above a whisper.

My chest filled with emotion and tingles from the touch. He's never once touched my face before. I looked at those beautiful eyes, not really believing that I had been so petrified of them less than two hours ago. I smiled up at him and felt my cheeks burn. 

"It's okay."

And I wasn't lying.


The next day I arrived at school to find Richard waiting for me the instant I walked through the gates. People still sent me dirty looks, but they were less obvious due to Richard's presence.

It was maths first, but Richard and I made our way to my group which stood in the quad like every other morning. There was a succession of greetings and, due to the looks they were giving me, I instantly knew they found out about me being bullied. I was normally rather talkative among the group, but today I seemed to lose my voice.

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