"And what did he say?"

"That the damage is permanent," I mumbled.

"Oh dear, will you still be able to drive?"

I thought for a moment. Being able to drive never even crossed my mind. "I don't know." My legs suddenly felt drained as I stood there. "Dad, I have to go now - the painkillers are making me drowsy."

"Okay, my girl. You go and get some rest. I'll see you later tonight."


We said our goodbyes and I placed the phone back down on the receiver before looking at Dobey who stood by my side the entire time. I gave him another pat on his head and he followed me to my bedroom where I grabbed a change of clothes and made my way to the bathroom.

Showering was a lot harder than I thought that maybe I should've bathed instead. It was tricky trying to wash my hair and not get the eye patch wet, but when I had stripped I had noticed a really nice black and blue bruise which took over the entirety of my left hip. I winced when I pressed a finger to it. I didn't even realise that my hip had also been hurt from the fall.

Feeling a little better at now being clean and sweat–free, I towel dried my hair a little and made my way back to my bedroom. The small cool droplets of water hitting my back, relieved me of the still incredibly hot weather.

I climbed into my bed and hissed when I accidentally forgot about my hip and put all my weight on the bruise. I sighed and shifted so that I lay on my back, so that I didn't hurt my left hip or right eye when I slept.

I felt Dobey jump onto the bed and lay down next to me gently resting his head on my stomach while looking at me with those big brown eyes. I smiled at him and stroked his head for a moment. We've always had a special bond; we were inseparable ever since he was a pup.

I just lay there stroking Dobey's head until I felt my body take me into a blissful state of sleep.


By the time I had woken up, it was already growing dark outside, showing that I had been asleep for at least three hours.  Thankfully, the weather had cooled. Loyal Dobey never left my side the entire time and I winced as I felt my injured eye blink. The anaesthetic had obviously worn off now.

Dobey's head suddenly flew up in alert, giving the look that all Dobermans give when they sense something. 

"What is it, boy?" I asked him and I looked to see lights come up the driveway, but from my position I couldn't whose car it was. 

A knock came at the door and I heard my mom answer. Our house wasn't big so the sound travelled.

"Hey Aunt Carol. How're you?" a voice I recognised all too well greeted my mom. I saw Dobey relax, but his head still stayed in the air.

"Hi, Richard. I'm fine and you?"

"I would be lying if I said as fit as a fiddle, but can't complain," I heard him cough. "So, where's the other patient?"

"In her room resting. You can go on ahead and see her if you like."

I heard footsteps walk down the hallway and I looked to my side as I saw Richard enter the open doorway wearing a navy hoodie and black tracksuit pants paired with white shoes. When Dobey saw Richard he lowered his head back onto my stomach and let out a sigh. Richard took one look at me and grinned.

"I do believe I hear a crocodile ticking, Cap'n Hook," he joked and I rolled my eyes. 

Now that he was closer, I could hear that his voice sounded distinctly nasally and his eyes were slightly glazed. Sure signs he was sick.

"Fine time for you to be sick," I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "I really could've done with your help today."

Richard scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry about that. How did your mom find you?" he asked as he began to walk towards me. 

I was made aware that Mom didn't tell Richard the full story when he asked that.

"She didn't. Cole did and he carried me to the car."

Richard paused at my words and his eyes looked down to my carpeted floor. "Oh."

I cleared my throat to try and rid the sudden awkward silence. "So, how're you feeling?"

Richard looked at me with a small smile. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

I shrugged. "I'm sure my mom's already told you everything." 

Except about Cole obviously. It seemed weird that she would keep that a secret.

Ever since I was little, if I got injured or sick my mom would call Richard and he would come visit me with his mom and keep me entertained. My sister and I were never really close as kids. The age gap was too big, so Richard always ended up coming instead. It wasn't out of the way for him either, we were neighbours once upon a time.

He nodded proving my thoughts. "Well, I had a massive headache this morning, but thankfully that's cleared," he said as he joined me on the bed. 

While I was lying flat on the bed, he leaned against the headboard. His one hand soon found my now dry hair and I sighed in contentment. Although I couldn't help but compare how he played with it to how Cole did. Cole played with it better. I immediately shook the thought away. Seriously? I can't even enjoy some time with my best friend without thinking of him!

"Were you injured anywhere else other than your eye?" Richard asked after a moment's comfortable silence.

I thought for a second then nodded. "My hip."

Richard's action on my hair ceased. "Is it bad?"

I shrugged. "Just a little black and blue. Look." 

I pushed the blanket aside enough to lift my shirt and show the bruise. Richard gave a low whistle and his fingers lightly brushed against it. I winced and he immediately retracted his hand.

"Sorry," he muttered.

"It's fine."

It was quiet for a while as he began playing with my hair again. "Hey, I almost forgot. Are you coming to my birthday party Saturday?" Richard suddenly piped up.

I laughed and shook my head. "That's even a question? What's the dress code?"

"Well," Richard pondered for a moment. "I was thinking of it being a costume party. So you can blend in with your eye-patch, Cap'n," he joked and poked my forehead.

"Ha ha, what are we? Five?" I said sarcastically and slapped his hand away from me.

"Hey, Richard?" my mom asked as she came into my bedroom, not even batting an eyelid at how we were both lying on the bed. 

She trusted Richard enough to let him come into my room. If only she was like that with Cole. The thought made me feel a little frustrated. 

"Will you be staying for dinner?" she asked.

"If it's alright with you, Aunt Carol," Richard replied politely. 

I'm mean, Cole was polite to her too!

Mom nodded her head. "Of course it is. You're always welcome here," she answered with a smile before turning and walking back down the hall to the kitchen.

Richard began to chat about how his day was, but my thoughts made my attention travel elsewhere. Why couldn't my mom be so friendly towards Cole too? What had he ever done to her?

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