A sudden cough sounded from the doorway, dispelling a bit of the haze from my mind.

My whole body tensed, though I didn't remove my hand from her pants, choosing instead to calmly flick my eyes open. I immediately caught sight of Camille in the doorway, her mouth falling open almost comically as she took in the position we were in. Elizabeth stiffened, shifting to cover my nakedness while simultaneously shuddering against my fingers. I rose a brow at my future sister in law as I gently slid out of my mate, a coy smile on my face. Elizabeth's fingers dug into my hips at the sensation, keeping me solely in front of her. Her gaze had darkened but was not yet black as deep thunderclouds rolled across her lion eyes from her position above me.

"Don't you dare move." She rasped into my mind, her voice possessively attentive. I knew with the awakening of the soul within her, that there would be challenges. It just so happens that heightened aggression and possessiveness towards your anyone remotely near your mate is one of them. Not that I really noticed since she has been possessive of me since the moment we met.

"Need something?" I purred to Camille, secretly enjoying the way her mouth opened and closed in shock. Finally, she regained control of her expression and smoothed it into an annoyed glower.

"Whenever you're done fucking, you and I need to talk." She quipped crassly, crossing her arms and leaning into the doorway.

What is it with vampires and doorways?

"Watch yourself." Elizabeth snarled, the last of the gold in her eyes winking out. I quickly buttoned her pants and waited for her to come back to me, the breath catching in my chest at the sight of her black gaze and the cold, vast power flooding my mind.

"Kore." I murmured her name, feeling the second her awareness shifted to me.

It was hard not to feel small under such a vast, depthless gaze. But the thing I like most about Elizabeth and I's bond was the fact that it was always push and pull, never the kind where one had more power than the other, even when it was obvious who the winning side would be. My thoughts were further punctuated by my mate's kindred spirit as she snapped her fingers and a baggy black shirt materialized over my previously naked skin.

Um...what the fuck?

"H-How did you-," I sputtered in shock, openly gaping at her. She flashed a grin full of secrets and mischief at me, the tips of her long fangs barely visible as they brushed her lower lip. Her impossibly long hair fell in a tantalizing sheet of black around her shoulders.

"Power, amica mea." She purred, and I had to clench my legs to hide the arousal rapidly building between them. Forcing myself to look away, I slid down from the table, I straightened my crown, my lips pursing to hide my laughter as Camille tapped her foot impatiently. I suspected that had I made her wait a moment longer, steam would be pouring out of her ears.

"Take care with your tongue, sister, or I will tear it out." Kore warned, the menace in her voice sending a shiver down my spine. The sister in question was unconcerned and merely rolled her eyes, grabbing my hand to tow me out of the room. I sent a "help me" face back at my murderous mate and she chuckled, caressing her mind with mine.

"I will wait." Her black eyes tracked my every move until I stepped out of her view, my body protesting the distance. I sighed again and shook my head, still baffled that this was my life.

The Wolf Queen (The Queen's Slave, Book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें