London [Part Two]

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July 21, 2009

It has to be going on almost ten o'clock by now and I am still just sat on Zoe's bedroom floor with my back against some dresser. What even is my life right now? I hate myself for so many things, basically everything. More than anything though, I hate myself for not being able to make myself hate Jace, no matter how hard I try.

Nearly three hours later and I still can't get that stupid conversation out of my head. What in the bloody hell is he hiding from me? Did he ever plan on telling me anything about what I heard down there? What's with these arrangements with some girl!? Last I checked he was gay! I can only think of one meaning for that and the thought has a fresh wave of tears washing down my already tear-stained cheeks.

I hug my knees tightly to my chest and bury my face in my arms. I knew this trip was a bad idea. I had a feeling and I should know by now that it's usually always right. I should always trust my gut instincts. Then again, what would have happened had I not come and never found out? Would Jace have played me right up until his parents ripped him away from me? Ugh, I don't know! Stupid, stupid Jace!

What hurts worse than finding all this out is he didn't even come after me when I left him standing there downstairs. He didn't call after me or try to stop me and explain in any way. I didn't hear a thing from him until he came upstairs an hour ago, and even though I half expected him to try and talk to me like he usually did when he upset me, I just heard the door to his bedroom open and shut.

More damn tears.

Suddenly, the sound of a door handle jiggling and girly laughter snaps me out of my depressive thoughts.Crap! Zoe and Zaq are back from their date. I haven't thought about what I would do when they returned and found me in their room.

My eyes quickly flicker around the room and an involuntary sigh escapes me when I see that the window is my only escape route. I want to look for something else, but the door creaks open and I don't want to ruin what I'm sure is about to happen in here, so I quickly shove the window open and climb out onto the roof.

I listen with my back against the outside wall to make sure they didn't notice me and quickly cringe and hurry away from the open window when I hear quiet pants and moans. Good for you babes, but I really don't want to hear that shit.

The roof I'm on is long and there are many windows, but most of them are dark and locked. I lean over the edge and see that I'm rather high up, possibly the third story? I have to force myself back from the edge, ignoring dark thoughts creeping up on me before I have a chance to even consider what they offer me. Turning back, I continue checking windows as I inch along the roof. Just as I'm about to give up and resign myself to spending a night on the roof, (I mean my night is shit as it is, why not?) I come to a final window that's partially open with light pouring out from inside.

I peer inside and groan when I see none other than Martyn Levett. Great. Just who I want to talk to, Jace's family. But, I can't actually stay out here, it's getting chilly and to be honest I got to piss.

Grudgingly, I tap the window three times and just barely hold back a snicker when Martyn nearly chucks his laptop to the ground from flinching so hard. The perplexed look on his face when he sees me standing outside his window is what actually makes me laugh.

"Kai? What the hell are you doing out there?" Martyn asks incredulously as he pushes the window open.

I shrug, "Oh, you know. Just hanging around. It's a beautiful night."

He raises a skeptical brow and I can't help but sigh, climbing through the window to head towards the bedroom door.

"I'm sorry. I was hiding from Jace, but then Zoe and Zaq returned and it was either; get stuck on the roof, or stay and awkwardly ruin their moment or hide and be forced to listen to my surrogate sister have sex. I chose the roof." I explain, cringing and feeling more idiotic by the second.

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