This isn't a Date [Part 2]-18

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*DISCLAIMER* I do not own any of the characters or the art (sadly T^T) all the characters are Hiro Mashima's BOOTIFUL CREATIONS! And all the other art belongs to the talented artists! All I own is the story and nothing else! This also has some nali in it accompanied with suicide, if you're uncomfortable, you can leave.
WARNING: No Nalu, a lot of Gruvia. If you're only here for nalu then you might want to wait for the next chapter. But honestly I thought this chapter was adorable, and yes it's canon in my universe.
Author: I'm so tireeeeed...
Lucy: Literally all you've been doing is eating and sleeping.
Natsu & Author: EATING IS HARD WORK!
Lucy: So you're saying eating a cold grilled cheese sandwich at 1 A.M is 'hard work'
Natsu: You're finally starting to understand! TwT
Author: We're so proud of you Lucy!
Lucy: Do you guys..not know about sarcasm..?
Natsu & Author: Nope!
Lucy: Who...raised you..?
Natsu: A dragon.
Lucy: Whaaaat the fu—

(I screwed up!) "JUVIA! Wait up please!" I ran through the crowded street, ignoring the stares and whispering from people passing by.  "I didn't mean it!" I stopped at an area surrounded by people, glancing around for any signs of the ocean blue hair that I had grown to love. Then I saw it, "Juvia! There you ar-" I froze when the girl I grabbed turned around. "I-I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else..." She glared at me before going back to whatever she was doing. "DAMNIT!" Combing through my hair I began running again. I checked everywhere, alleyways, inside buildings, behind buildings, abandoned parks. (Where are you..Juvia..) Then I saw her, hiding in an alleyway. "JUVIA!" I dashed toward her before she could run away, hugging her from behind.

She thrashed in my arms, desperately trying to leave. "L-L-Let Juvia g-g-go...please.."

"No. You hate being alone, idiot.." I'm not letting her leave my life-not now, not ever. "Look, I was an scumbag, I didn't mean what I said..I-"

"J-Juvia wants to h-h-hate so..bad.." She stopped struggling, her knees giving out under her as she broke down. I adjusted my grip on her waist, trying to prevent her from falling. "B-B-But she c-can't, no m-m-matter what..she does.."

My breath hitched as I felt my throat closing up. "I-I...please don't hate me.." After all these years of knowing her, I never realized that I have been taking her for granted, "I-I'll m-m-miss all your homemade bento boxes, I'll miss t-t-the way you would c-cling onto my arm, so...please...whatever you do," tears had somehow found their way into my eyes as I continued talking, "please don't hate me..."

"Gray..." I felt her turning around in my arms, and before I knew it, she was hugging me by the neck. "To be honest....Juvia never really thought you would notice those know, with the homemade bentos and what not.." I heard a dry chuckle, muffled by my shoulder. "But Juvia is..glad her beloved did notice.." She lifted her head from my shoulder and smiled. Even with the tears streaming down her cheeks, she truly was gorgeous.

I was stunned, this girl-even with all that stuff I said about her, she still cares about me. "Juvia..the stuff I said about you...I-"

She shook her head and to my disappointment, pulled away from the hug. "Hey, Juvia understands, she won't be as clingy as before!" She gave me one more smile before starting to walk away.

"NO!" Before my brain could even comprehend what was happening, I grabbed her wrist, preventing her from moving. Juvia turned her head to look at me, her eyes meeting my wide ones. "Ahem...I mean, no, let's go to the park.." I scratched my cheek awkwardly with my free hand, "if you want to..that is!"

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