Unwanted Comfort-6

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*DISCLAIMER* I do not own any of the characters or the art (sadly T^T) all the characters are Hiro Mashima's BOOTIFUL CREATIONS! And all the other art belongs to the talented artists! All I own is the story and nothing else! This also has some nali in it accompanied with suicide, if you're uncomfortable, you can leave.
Author: Sooooooo
Lucy: You're running out of ideas aren't you
Author: Whaaaaaat...no
Lucy: Mhm... -_-
Author: Buuuuuut can you think of anything funny
Lucy: "Not running out of ideas" my butt
Author: I'm just asking for a.....friend
Lucy: Author you're obviously lying, you don't have friends
Author: ...
Author: I will ignore what you said if you come up with something funny
Lucy: Um...Natsu kissing a mannequin
Author: I meaaaan...that's not funny enough
Lucy: *sigh* our time is almost up...so let's just start
Author: WAIT WHA-

I walked quietly through the street, looking up at the sky as I go. (The sky's to damn happy today, why did it have to take her away anyway and not someone else?) I brushed away the unwanted thoughts, continuing to the place where Lis was buried. Once I finally arrived, I looked around at all the tombstones. (These poor people,) it was unlike me to think like this, but I couldn't help it, Lia was a few feet away from me-making me become my old self....oh how I hated it. I could never be happy without her, therefore, I will never act like my old self, for Lis's sake. Once I finally arrived at her tomb, I placed down the sweetpeas I got her, sweetpea, they were just like her—sweet and gentle. "Lis I really really do miss you..." I muttered, looking down at my feet. "I don't know why you did what you did, hell, you didn't even leave a letter explaining why.." "but I wish you would've knew that  if you told me, I would've helped..." I looked at her name carved on the stone. "I know it's been 2 years now, so why does it hurt even more..?" "Don't they say," "time heals all wounds, so why isn't it working?" "Am I broken?" "Is it because I loved you with all my heart and being, yet, you fucking threw it away like it was nothing..!" "Am I just being selfish?"

"Is she your girlfriend?" I  quickly turned around after hearing a sudden voice from behind me, not noticing that I grabbed their arm.

"Lisanna-" I stopped and saw a blur of blonde hair, my eyes widened as I let go as quickly as possible. "I'm..sorry..I thought you were someone else.." I whispered, starting to walk away. But before I knew it...I was pulled into a bear tight hug.

"Natsu...I'm so..sorry.." the girl whimpered, stuffing her face into my hair.

(What the hell?! A graveyard is not a place to hit on someone. Let alone someone who's not interested) "Let go of me you crazy lady!" I froze, "Hang on, how did you even know my name?!" I looked at the girl closer, and I realized, it was the girl I rejected on the rooftop.

"Natsu...don't do things alone...please..it's not healthy.." her voice was muffled but I could still hear it.

I gritted my teeth, "It's not healthy to stalk people either! Why won't you just let me live my own life!" I yelled at her, trying to push her away, but she wouldn't budge.

"You're lonely.." was her quiet reply. I froze and stopped everything I was doing,

lonely? "S-Stop..th-this!" "I don't need y-your p-p-pity!" I said, cursing myself for stuttering. But I was mostly focused on trying to get out of her arms by thrashing ferociously while she held me, that just made her hug me tighter.

"Let me just comfort you, you stupid idiot!" Can't you see you're not the only one who's suffering in this cruel world?!" "Stop being so damn selfish!" My eyes went wide, selfish? I chuckled, guess I was right, I am selfish. A stupid, selfish, idiot."

"I don't need nor do I want your comfort!" I shouted, attempting to push her away from me again.

"Yes..you do...you're crying..." She replied calmly, not even flinching when I was hitting her back, trying to escape.

"S-Sh-Shut up! You know nothing about me!"

She laughed, "you really are an idiot, an idiot who knows nothing about the world." She paused for a moment, "The only world he knows is his own world.."

"W-What are you talking about?" I asked, clenching my fists.

"In short, you. Are. Selfish!" She giggled playfully, ruffling my hair, "but I'll change that!"

"Hey! We are still next to my girlfriend's grave you know!" I yelled, pointing toward the grave. There it was again, that side. The side I bottled away...I hated this side of me, but what I hated more was that, in that moment—I was happy... in front of my girlfriend's grave.
Author: Sorryitsshortigottogobye!
Lucy: What. Are. You. Saying
Author: Dontworryaboutitletsjustendthis
Author: Imrushing


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