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*DISCLAIMER* I do not own any of the characters or the art (sadly T^T) all the characters are Hiro Mashima's BOOTIFUL CREATIONS! And all the other art belongs to the talented artists! All I own is the story and nothing else! This also has some nali in it accompanied with suicide, if you're uncomfortable, you can leave.
Natsu: Yo Luce question
Lucy: Mhm
Natsu: How do worms make babies
Lucy & Author: WHAAAAT
Natsu: I mean how do they "do it"
Lucy: I'M OUT
Natsu: No seriously, HOW
Author: Why...did I hire you
Natsu: I'm searching it up
Natsu: soooo many complicated words
Author: -_- let's just not get into that and start

It's the day after I got detention, reason why I got detention? Because of my shitty brother. I walked with my head held low, hearing whispers on every side of me—back, left, right, front, you name it! I glared at them with as much hatred as humanly possible, who were they to judge?! They didn't know my story, like hell I would let them trash talk me when they didn't know shit. Of course, after my murderous glare, they stopped—ever since the incident, I've had violent tendencies—in other words, I would fight people. When I was about halfway down the hall, I felt a hard tug on my arm. I turned around quickly, my reflexes kicking in unbelievable fast, and to my surprise, I again saw the transferee.

"Hey! Wanna walk to class together?" I stared at her, who the heck does this girl think she is.

"No." I simply answered, jerking away from her hold on my arm and proceeding to my class. But to my dismay, I felt another tug on my arm, this time harder,

"C'mon please?" I stared at her with bored eyes as she tried giving me puppy dog eyes. (There's only one person in this world who had puppy dog eyes that worked against me, and she's dead)

I sighed and looked at her, irritated, "Look girlie, I'm NOT interested, so quit this stalker thing that you have going on, and leave me the hell alone!" Just when I thought that was the end of the conversation, she had began yapping her mouth again. (Yep, she's a total chatter box) I thought rolling my eyes.

"Hey!" She yelled, crossing her arms before continuing, "I'm not a stalker I just want to be friends!" She let go of my arm and stretching out her own arm, expecting me to accept it.

I was starting to get angry, like really angry. I slapped her hand away, frustration and anger in my voice as I said, "I don't know how desperate you are for friends, but you must be real desperate if you're asking me." I glared at her, my eyes widening at her expression, shock running through me, this girl—She had the nerve to have that cocky expression on her face.

"Look Mr. Dragneel, if you would just meet me on the rooftop during lunch, I promise I'll never talk to you again, deal?" She looked at me expectantly as she once again, stuck out her arm. I considered it for awhile, staring at her hand, suspicion in my eyes.

I exhaled deeply, "fine." And with that, I walked away from her—little did I know, how much I would need and yearn for her in the future. Before I knew it, lunchtime rolled around. I dreaded this moment, but with a sigh I slowly made my way toward the rooftop. (It's going to be some confession shit or something) I rolled my eyes at the thought. When I reached the roof, sure enough, she was there, hair flowing in the wind, back facing me.

"So let me get this straight, after this conversation, you won't bother me?"

She whirled around, smiling, "promise!"

I breathed a sigh of relief, as I was finally not going to get bothered by her again, "what do you want?" I expected a lot of things to come out of her mouth, but I surely did not expect what actually came out of her mouth.

"Why do you always look so sad?" I looked at her pleading brown eyes with my shocked onyx eyes. (Why..?) I laughed pathetically, to be honest I didn't know the answer to that question myself, I mean, I know a part of it, but the rest? Yeah, no clue. " childhood." I replied, not wanting to talk about this subject or to this girl any longer.

"If you don't want to tell me, at least promise me you will tell me later, when you feel comfortable." She looked at me, expecting an answer.

I was furious-of course she lied—everyone in this god damn world lies, "You said you would never bother me again, and I'm expecting you to keep that promise!"

Her eyes got glossy, "Natsu.." she whimpered, staring into my eyes.

"How'd yo-you kno-" I stuttered but she cut me off.

"Mr. Dragneel told me.." She whispered, no longer looking into my eyes, but honestly, I preferred it that way anyway!

I clenched my teeth, " bastard.." I yelled, my hair making a shadow over my eyes.

"I'm sorry Natsu... it's just, I don't know why.... but your sad look breaks my heart..." So... let me help you.." She was no longer staring at the ground, but at me, directly into my eyes, with a big goofy grin on her face and tears in her eyes. And I won't admit it, but for a split second, I finally saw beautiful colors in my monotone world.

I quickly shook that thought away as it was replaced with anger, "Why are you using me?" I demanded.

"Huh.. what do you mean?" She looked at me confusion and shock in her eyes.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU USING ME, EVERYONE ALWAYS WANTS SOMETHING WHEN THEY DO ANYTHING FOR ME!" "THE WORLD IS FULL OF PEOPLE WHO USE YOU AND THEN THROW YOU AWAY WHEN THEY'RE DONE WITH YOU!" I took a breath of air so that I could continue, but this time I was calmer, "This world is not all just sunshine and rainbows, you need to get that through your thick skull.." I had finally finished my giant speech and when I looked back up, I felt as if time froze—there was a girl running towards me, with her arms extended out, and before I knew it, I was in a hug.

"Natsu...I'm so so sorry.." I was limp in her arms for a few seconds...then...
I pushed her away. My hair once again covering my eyes, I sighed and looked up at her, meeting her gaze.

"I don't need your pity..!" "All I need is for you to leave me alone..." My tone was sharp and clear—I wanted nothing to do with her, and I wanted to make that as clear as possible. With a sigh I started walking toward the door. I was reaching for the handle, and suddenly I just stopped, I looked over my shoulder and gave her a piece of advice. "Don't be so naïve, it could kill you." With that, I left her alone... again. At the time, I didn't realized how much my heart wanted to go back to her arms..... to go back to that comfort. Or maybe I did realize back then on the rooftop, but ignored it because I knew that that meant I would have to admit that I was over Lis.
Natsu: Why am I such a meanie in this book T_T
Author: *sigh* it's not mean Natsu
Lucy: Then Which Natsu is it
Author: ANGSTY NATSU +_+
Natsu: Ang..sty..Natsu
Lucy: -_- Just don't ask...
Lucy & Author: NO
Natsu: But...I wanna know~
Lucy: Can we end this chapter please
Author: Gladly


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