You Want me to do what-16

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*DISCLAIMER* I do not own any of the characters or the art (sadly T^T) all the characters are Hiro Mashima's BOOTIFUL CREATIONS! And all the other art belongs to the talented artists! All I own is the story and nothing else! This also has some nali in it accompanied with suicide, if you're uncomfortable, you can leave.
Author: Soooooo...
Lucy: So what?
Author: I just learned something about dogs...
Natsu: *Eating spicy chicken wings* What's it bout?
Author: MY CHICKEN!!!
Natsu: There was only one left anyway, no biggie!
Lucy: You just made a grave mistake, Natsu...
Author: Happy get the sandal.
Natsu: Ha! Happy wouldn't betray me!
Happy: Sorry Natzu, I don't want to die today.. ;^^
Natsu: Oh I'm so screwed...
Lucy: We'll be back...

It was sadly Monday again, and I was currently running as fast as I could so that I could make it to school on time. I had been procrastinating about leaving my bed for one second, and the next-I was trying to get ready faster then humanly possible. "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!" I ran into the building, switched my shoes, and hurried to my class. The teacher glared at me before nodding, indicating that I could go to my desk. (Phew! That was a close one!) Everything passed in a blur, and before I knew it, it was lunch time.

Juvia was searching for Love Rival when lunch arrived, but sadly Juvia hasn't found her anywhere. Sighing, Juvia plopped down on the nearest empty table. (Juvia is so nervous...she's finally going on a date with her beloved..!) (What should Juvia wear?! Something formal? No, maybe casual! Yeah! Gray-Sama always wears casual clothes...)

"Juvia? What are you doing all by yourself?"

Juvia's head suddenly snapped toward me, tackling me into a hug. "J-Juvia? A-Are you okay?" This was a very awkward situation, and people were starting to stare.

"Juvia needs Love Rival's help..."

I sweat dropped and pulled us both up off the floor, "for the last time Juvia, I'm not in love with Gray, so you could drop the Love rival..." She didn't respond and just looked at her feet. (Man this must be bad..) I gently rested my hand on her shoulder and guided us out of the cafeteria. Once we were out of earshot from everyone, I sighed and looked at her. "Hey...what happened?"

She took a deep breath and avoided my gaze as she tried to figure out what to say, "J-Juvia," I nodded my head, gesturing for her to continue. "Juvia has a d-d-date with...Gray-Sama..!" She was a blushing mess, and I just stood there, frozen in place from both shock and relief. (Geez, I thought something really bad had happened.)

With a relieved smile, I patted her shoulder, "I don't know you guys history that well, but I'm assuming he finally grew a pair and asked you?" She tilted her head in confusion, and I just mentally face palmed. "Ya know, to ask you out?" Her face turned from confusion to shock.

" beloved never really asked..."

I looked at her in bewilderment, "w-w-what do you mean he didn't ask you?"

She stared at the ground, messing with the ends of her hair, "h-he asked if Juvia would like to g-g-go e-eat with him t-t-tomorrow, Gray-Sama never really made it o-official," (That idiot! He needs to figure out his feeling before Juvia moves on) "b-but Juvia believes that this is a please Lov-Lucy, help Juvia out..!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and stared down in shock at her bowed down figure, "h-hey..! You don't have to bow..! H-How can I help you..?" I looked at her with both curiosity and confusion, "The only way I really can help you is by helping you get ready."

She gulped, fiddling with her fingers, "i-if it's not to much to ask, c-c-can Lucy come with someone so it could be l-like a d-double date..? I didn't know what to say, so I just stared at her, my mouth hanging open. I think she noticed because she had jerked her body back forward into a standing position. "Please Lucy! Juvia will do anything!"

I sighed, rubbing my fingers angst my temple, "you don't have to beg Juvia, I'll do it!" I swear I could see her eyes light up, and it made me smile a bit.

"You will?!" You could practically see the happiness radiating off of her, and it made me happy that I could make my friend this happy.

I gave her a closed eyed smile, "mhm! It's what friends do after all!"

"F-Friends..? Juvia's never had a friend before, other than my Beloved.." her eyes were misty as she tackled me into another hug. "J-Juvia is so so..h-h-happy..!" I smiled softly as she sniffled into my shoulder.


I scrolled through my contacts trying to figure out who to pick for the 'date' I blushed as I came across a certain name. (Mori and I going on a date? I think I might be in heaven!) I tried to calm down as I clicked on his contact name.




"H-Hi Mori!" I cursed myself for stuttering but it was too late. ", I was wondering if you, go on a d-double d-date with me...?" I was glad he couldn't see me because I was a blushing mess right now. "I-I'm d-doing it for a friend, b-b-but um..anyway, wanna go?" "I-It's not a r-r-real d-date if you're wondering..!" My heart sank at his answer, but he's in college, what'd I expect? "O-Oh um ok-okay.." I clicked on the red button and sighed, of course the one person I wanted to date would be busy with a project. But I would not give up! I was determined to do this, for Juvia's sake! I kept scrolling until I saw a name that caught my eye. (Natsu..he might be able to do it..) With a sigh, I clicked on the Messages app. I really didn't feel like talking right now, so texting is the next best option. Bold=Natsu Italics=Lucy

Hey Natsu, can u do me a favor
Oh shush it's for a friend
Ye wats up
I need u to go on a date with me
Hello u der
Luce we literally talked bout our platonic love for each other yesterday
Ye ik ik
But like hear me our
Mk I'm listening
Juvia has a date with Gray and she wanted me to go with her so it could be a double date
I thought his name was spelt grey
Actually it's too but whatever
I'll do it.
R u mad
U used correct grammar something wrong
It's nothing, I'm going to sleep
Send me the info tmr
I shut off my phone with a sigh. "Yep I totally said something that made him mad.." As much as I want to figure out what I did wrong, I was just too tired. With a sigh, I turned off my lamp on my bedside table, and snuggled into my blankets.
Natsu: ...
Happy: Um, Author what did you do to Natzu?
Author: Oh let's just say, he won't be able to sit on his butt for awhile
Lucy: Remind me to NEVER eat your chicken..
Happy: Aye...
Author: Actually, never eat ANY of my food!
Author: Unless you're Wendy!
Author: Then you can eat all the food you want! =u=
Lucy: I meaaan, I understand why..
Author: Wendy is the guild's cinnamon roll, I won't hurt a single hair on her body!
Lucy: That's just boarder line creepy.. -_-
Happy: Ayee..
Happy & Lucy: WE'RE SORRY!
Wendy: I feel both loved and creeped out at the same time..


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