Chapter Fifty-Eight

Start from the beginning

Maybe she will.

Before our first class, we had an assembly in the auditorium. Toph, Katara, and I started to walk there. 

I sighed, "Are you guys speaking too?"

Katara shook her head, "No. You get to speak?"

"Yeah," I said, "They want me to speak at the assembly. Aang is too."

"I'm speaking too," Toph said, "I hear Zu-" she shook her head, "Yeah."

"You can say his name," I said, "It's only fitting that the Fire Lord would speak at a school he wanted to build and his attending."

Katara shook her head, "Why didn't anyone ask me to speak?"

I laughed and patted her back, "Don't feel bad, I don't even want to speak."

I saw a flash out of the corner of my eye. I tilted my head to see a boy with his phone up. 

I sighed, "Is there a reason why you're photographing us without permission? I thought the press isn't allowed at this school."

"I-I'm not the press! But I mean," he twiddled with his fingers, "It's cool to see you guys!" He gestured to Katara, Toph, and I, "I mean, the bibender? You're a celebrity! You should be used to this! Katara of the Southern Tribe and Toph the metalbender too!"

"Don't take pictures without permission," I said, coldly. 

Katara put a hand on my shoulder, "(Y/N), you don't have to be so harsh. He's clearly nervous."

"So what if he's nervous?" I glared at him, "I shouldn't have to burden myself with such trivial people. I don't care if I'm 'famous'. I'm a person, talk to me as such. I don't hold myself at a higher standard just because I'm well known," I rolled my eyes and walked faster. 

Katara smiled at the boy apologetically and caught up with me, "Why are you being so cold?"

"I don't want to be here," I shrugged. 

"Katara, (Y/N), Toph!" I heard a familliar voice. 

Aang and Sokka were running towards us, waving their hands. 

We smiled and met them halfway. 

Aang bowed to me, "Sifu FireIcewoman."

I lightly slapped his back, "Don't call me that!"

He laughed and we all hugged. 

"Come on," Aang said to Toph and me, "You guys come with me since we're speaking."

Katara looked offended, "Why aren't I speaking?"

Aang looked uncomfortable, "Well, uh," he coughed, "Sokka, you and Katara have front row seats we have to go," he turned to Katara, "Love you! Bye!"

He started running. 

"Hey! Aang?!" Katara yelled after her boyfriend. 

I laughed and Toph and I followed Aang. 

Once we caught up with Aang we walked to the backstage of the auditorium. I looked around. It smelled new. 

"Watch your step," Aang said, "There are some loose floorboards. It's still new."

"The school looks nice," I commented. 

"Yeah," Aang grinned, "You can thank Zu- uh," he coughed.

I rolled my eyes, "Just because we broke up, doesn't mean I can't be civil!"

"Really?" Aang said, "Good because he's right there," he pointed in front of us. 

"What?!" I exclaimed. 

Zuko walked up to us, "(Y/N)," he nodded. 

"Fire Lord Zuko," I stared at him, my expression unwavering, "Fantastic job with the school."

"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment," he said. 

"Why are they acting so formal?" Toph whispered. 

"I don't know," Aang whispered back, "But I'm uncomfortable."

I rolled my eyes, "We can hear you."

"Sorry," Aang coughed, "So, when do we speak?"

Zuko looked uncomfortable, "Uh, well... the headmaster is going to introduce you, and you get to say your part, and then he'll introduce Toph."

"Okay," Aang said, "Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"

"I do not!" Zuko composed himself, "After, Toph," he coughed, "The school thinks that it's better if (Y/N) and I speak together."

"Fine," I said, "If that's what the school wants. Do you know what you're saying?"

"Do you?" Zuko asked me, "I know you're prone to leaving things for the last minute."

"So what if I am? I have to speak with you anyway, so it wouldn't even matter if I had prepared something, because I would have had to alter it anyway."

"Whatever," Zuko rolled his eyes, "They're going to be asking us questions anyway, they'll prompt us. Don't even worry about it."

"I won't," I glared at him. 

"Well then good," he said. 





"Can you guys stop?" Toph cut in. 

I took a step back and fell over a loose floorboard. I closed my eyes, bracing myself to hit the ground, but instead felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my body.  

I opened my eyes to see Zuko looking down at me. 

My heart started beating faster. 

I felt my face heat up. I stumbled away from him and brushed myself off, "Thanks," I murmured. 

His face was red, "You should be more careful."

I could still hear the thumping of my heart. 

I wish he didn't have this effect on me. 

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