Chapter 33 *MATURE*

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This chapter will have some pretty major character and story development, so I do recommend that you read it. I'll put a disclaimer before and after the "events", but otherwise it is an important chapter.

The mature stuff, by the way, may not be "sexy" due to some of the psychology behind the encounter. Honestly it may make you sad/cry/scream at some points. You've been warned.

*Jacob's POV*

It happened on a Tuesday.

Four months and one week into my pregnancy.  9:00 PM. My stomach has grown so large I fear I'll pop with a single movement. 

I am sitting on the couch in our suite. Ryder has stepped away to do something that I don't remember, and I'm trying to watch Ratatouille. I thought that my favorite movie might cheer me up, but all it's done is bring tears to my eyes. I clutch my Remi doll for support.

Why couldn't things be normal? Why couldn't Alpha Henry just leave me alone?

I sigh quietly, pausing the movie. I need air. I leave Ryder a note saying I'll be wandering around the hallways before stepping into the corridor.

Walking, or waddling due to my current physique, down the hallway does cheer me up a bit. I have time to clear my head.

That is before a claw reaches out and drags me into the closet.

I'm slammed against the door. I silently thank the Moon Goddess that the impact was felt by my back and not my stomach.

A small click, followed by the ignition of the small hanging lightbulb, illuminates Sheila's wretched face. One arm is being pressed against my chest, pinning me to the wall. The other has its fingers wrapped around my mouth preventing any speech.

"Don't you fucking make a sound, fa**ot." She snarls at me. "We're gonna have a little chat. This chat will not leave this room, understand?"

I don't respond. Bad choice, apparently. She uses the hand on my face to backhand me.

"DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?!" I swear a blood vessel is about to pop out of her skull.

"MMhmm," my shaky voice is muffled by her hand.

"Good," she huffs, shaking her head so that her bleach blonde hair moves out of her face. 

"Now, let's cut the crap for a moment and be honest with ourselves," Her voice is deep and her words methodical. "You are a fucking waste of space."

I whimper. I get another slap."

"You are good for nothing. The only reason Ryder and Damien keep you around is because you're SO fucking easy! I mean, look at you!" She uses her head to gesture at my stomach. "How long did it take them before you let them fuck those bastards into you? Less than a full week, if I'm not mistaken."

Tears are streaming down my face. She's got a point... maybe I did move a little fast in the beginning.

Sheila smiles at my tears. Her Cheshire Cat grin makes her seem even more manic and terrifying.

"We all know that neither you nor the abominations festering in your grotesque stomach are meant to exist. However, I know some people who can make this right." She pauses, letting the words sink in. 

"Looks like Alpha Henry wants to get back in touch..."

Another whimper escapes me. Thankfully, I don't get slapped for it.

"He has a little deal that will make life so much better for everyone. Tonight, you are to sneak out. At midnight, either Henry or one of his lackeys will come to collect you and take you back where you belong. You'll stop hypnotizing my Alphas with your loose asshole, letting them be able to stop worrying about you. They'll finally get some sleep and be able to see their true mate for who she is."

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