Chapter 13

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*Jacob's POV*

After breakfast, we went into the living room to finish Ratatouille. Let me tell you, the ending was just as amazing as the beginning. 

I was sitting on the couch, my mind completely devoted to the wonderful lights of parents. The boys had gone to their office to catch up with some of the future-Alpha stuff they needed to do. I wish they could have sat with me, but I don't want to distract them any more than I already have.

Upon the movie's ending, I go back to my room to finally soothe the need to cut. I know that there's probably another razor under the sink, so I head into my bathroom. Before I open the cabinet, I hear a voice in my head tell me to stop.

What? Why? Who are you?

I'm your wolf. My name is Kyle. I can't stay long, I'm still getting my strength back, but you can't use that razor.

Why can't I? It makes me feel better.

Because it makes our mates feel worse. Tell them when you're upset, and they'll make it better. I promise.

But I don't want them to see me as weak!

Kyle doesn't answer. I suppose he ran out of energy.

Begrudgingly, I tear myself away from the bathroom and into the main hallway.  I follow Damien's Cinnamon scent to find a huge set of double doors with names Ryder and Damien on it in cursive. I knock lightly on the door and hear a gruff voice say "come in".

Their office looks exactly as you might expect it to look. Brown and leather covering everything, large bookshelves filled to the brim with books, and two identical desks near the center of the room. In the back right corner, there is a comfy-looking leather couch and two leather chairs. Ryder and Damien were sitting in the chairs, and an older-looking couple is on the couch.

"Ah! Hello, Sweetheart. How nice of you to join us!" Ryder walks up to me and gives me a nice kiss on the forehead. He leads me to the two people on the couch.

"Mom, Dad," Oh they're their parents. Oh no, I'm meeting their parents. "I'd like to formally introduce you to Jacob Rose, our mate."

I half expect them to laugh in my face for thinking that an Omega would be good enough for their sons. However, I was delightfully surprised. 

His mom immediately rises and envelops me in her arms."Oh, Darling! We were so worried when we heard about your injuries." She releases me a bit to inspect me. "Are you feeling ok now?"

I nod, smiling at her mothering. "I-I am, thank you L-Luna." She immediately starts to shake her head. "You're going to be family, honey. Call me Donna or Mom." 

"I'd k-kind of love to call y-you Mom, as I don't r-really have one."

"Well, now you do!" She gives me the most infectious smile, the kind that threatens to banish all darkness from the world. Then, her husband sidles up next to her. "You have a father too. My name is Richard, but call me Dad." He reaches out his hand, and I gladly shake it. 

Now that I've met their parents, I completely understand how the boys became so gorgeous. Their mother has beautiful curves and long, brown hair that extends to her waist. Their dad has muscles on top of his muscles, and his dark hair is styled to make his already tall stature even taller.

"So, Love, we have some important news for you." Damien gestures for me to sit on his lap. When I do, everyone else also returns to their chairs. "We were talking about the Alpha ceremony. Now that Ryder and I have met our AMAZING mate," I blush a little at his emphasis on amazing. "It's time that we ascend the throne and give our poor dad the retirement he deserves."

I nod, not fully understanding what this has to do with me.

Ryder cuts in. "The thing is, it's pack custom to introduce the Luna at the Alpha ceremony as well."


"We think that you'll make a wonderful Luna, but we won't force you into anything, Sweetheart. It will only happen when you're ready."

I think for a second. Do I ever want to leave? Well no, but do I have what it takes to be a Luna? I'm never going to be as good as Donn-Mom is, but at least I'll be better than my old Luna.

"O-Okay. I'm r-ready." Damien smiles wide and kisses my cheek. "Thank you, Love. We have to do it on a full moon, but luckily the next full moon is two days away." He turns to the rest of the group. "So we're planning for Saturday?" Everyone nods in affirmation.

With that, the meeting is over. Ryder has to go with his parents to start the Alpha Ceremony preparations, leaving me with Damien.

"So, Love," He spins me around in the chair so that I'm straddling him. "To what do I owe the pleasure of you visiting us?"

I wrap my arms around his neck to give him a big hug. "I-I guess I j-just missed you t-too much." He starts to rub my back. I get so relaxed and comfortable that I'm almost purring in his ear.

"I know I say this a lot, but you are amazing. You know that, right?" He whispers into my ear, his breath sending shivers down my spine. I nod my head in his shoulder, not truly listening. He didn't like that, apparently, because he pulls me off of him so he can look me in the eye. "I'm serious. You are the best mate I could have asked for."

A warm feeling blooms in my chest. I've never truly felt appreciated or even tolerated before, and I think I'm starting to like it. "I th-think you're f-far more amazing. You're d-definitely far more h-handsome than I am."

A smirk spreads across his face. "You think I'm handsome, huh? Good to know." His face turns serious for a second, "But if you think you aren't the most attractive being on the planet, then I've got some information for you, Love. I have never and will never meet a cuter or sexier person as long as I live."

My face immediately turns beet red, and a funny feeling in my stomach starts to build. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. Damien brings a hand up to my face and starts to lean forward. He does so slowly, giving me time to back out if I want to. I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and meet him in the middle.

Sparks fly between our lips. Damien grabs my head with both hands to pull me closer, running his fingers through my hair. It feels so good that I let out a whimper and gladly let Damien take over. It's my first kiss, and I don't know what I'm doing at all.

Damien shocks me by running his tongue along my bottom lip. I don't understand why, so I just keep kissing him. He then proceeds to bite my lip pretty hard. I gasp in surprise, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.

We continue to kiss for Goddess knows how long before we have to pull away to catch our breath. Damien looks like he's just won every contest ever. I, on the other hand, feel like I've run a marathon. My hair is a mess and I'm blushing so hard that I look like a strawberry.

Before either of us could speak, Ryder walks into the room. He sees our current position, and he starts pouting. "Damn! I wanted to be the first to kiss Jacob!"



Sorry for the late post. I had a club meeting after school and got home later than normal.


Well, Jacob only kissed Damien but it's still progress!! I was SO excited to write that scene and I'm very happy to see how it turned out.

I guess we'll just have to wait to see when Ryder gets some... ;)

Thanks for spending time on my book. We hit 500 reads and I could NOT be more thankful. I appreciate every single person who reads my books, and I aim to continue making content worth reading.

Don't forget, tomorrow and Saturday may be weird upload days if I do end up posting. I'm attending a Model United Nations conference and my writing time will be slim to none.

Thanks for understanding, and have a great day!

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