Chapter 17

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*Jacobs POV*

Helene is freaking awesome. She's loud, she's confident, she's funny, and she's pretty. She's basically the exact opposite of me in every way imaginable.

I'm sitting on her beautiful, white bed while she finishes doing makeup. We're currently listening to some song called "Scenes From An Italian Restaurant" by this guy Billy Joel. The song is a great representation of Helene. Whiplashing from one melody to another, nothing fitting together and yet it makes complete sense, it is beautiful chaos.

"Brenda and Edd-ay were the popular stead-ays and the king and the queen of the prom!" Helene croons into her hairbrush-microphone, exaggerating some of the words to make it a bit funnier. She's dancing like she's on stage, but in a way that more makes fun of herself than anything. I'm honestly surprised she managed to continue getting dressed at the same time because the amount of effort she put into her performance would distract any other person from getting ready.

"Nobody looked any finer, or was more of a hit at the Parkway Diner!" She swipes some black stuff across her eyelashes along to the beat. 

I'm honestly thoroughly enjoying this show. I have no idea what Village Greens, Engineer boots, or steadies are but that honestly doesn't matter. The unique combination of the music and Helene are entertaining enough.

She turns off the music after the song ends and faces me. She looks stunning. I mean, she looked stunning before, but she definitely knows how to put on makeup. Grinning from ear to ear, she grabs my hand and pulls me out the door. "Let's go on an adventure!"

She brings me outside and around the back of the packhouse. There, we see rows and rows of beautiful family homes and businesses. There are shops and restaurants everywhere, almost like a small village. The streets are lined with brick roads, and there are no cars in sight. Children play in the street while the adults watch and drink iced tea in the front yard. It makes me kind of sad that I couldn't have had this childhood, but I snap out of it. Sadness won't help anyone.

Helene drags us through the streets, smiling and waving at everyone who walks past. She shows me the tennis courts, pack lake, training grounds, and outdoor party-area, rambling about anything and everything the entire time. 

"But Klaine is TOTALLY better than Finnchel because nobody even LIKES Rachel cause she's a bitch at every opportunity!" She rants as we walk around the streets. I have no idea what she's talking about, but I pretend that I do. She seems to be enjoying herself, and her happiness is contagious.

"Are you hungry?" It takes me a second to realize she was expecting an answer before I just shrug in response. 

"Good! I'm gonna show you the BEST pizza place in the pack." My hand is pulled once more, and she brings us inside a small pizza parlor.

The place she picks is very cute. There are only about 20 tables, but the ambiance with the pictures on the wall and the checkered tablecloths makes me feel like I'm at home. We sit down at a booth in the back corner. Immediately, a big man with black hair comes out of a door that I'd assume leads to the kitchen.

"Helene! Wonderful to see you!" His booming voice would normally scare me, but his smile negates any ideas of fear. "And who is this? I don't remember meeting you before."

Ah. There's the fear. Meeting new people is never fun. I open and close my mouth a few times, my brain unable to formulate the words. Helene, thankfully, steps in. "This is Jacob! He's a bit quiet but that's fine cause I talk enough for the both of us."

The man laughs heartily and extends his hand. "I'm Paul, nice to meet you son." I cautiously accept his hand and send him a small smile. 

Paul takes a small notepad and pencil from his back pocket and addresses Helene. "So, will we be doing the normal pepperoni and sausage for ya?" Helene scoffs, pretending to be offended. "Is that even a question?!"

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