Chapter 5

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*Photo of Ryder/Damien*

Ryder's POV:

I see myself in the mirror. Smoothing down my dress shirt, I make sure not a hair is out of place. As future Co-Alpha of the Raised Sun Pack, I couldn't afford to look anything less than perfect. I shrug my suit jacket over my body and smile at myself. I do look damn good.

The door behind me slams open and I see my brother, Damien. We're wearing the same damn suit.

"Hey! You can't wear that tonight!" I half-yell at him. "We already have the same face, we can't have the same outfit too."

He looks down at his outfit, then back at me. "Why do I have to change? Why can't you!"

"Because I'm older!"

"By 5 minutes!"

I was about to respond when I hear my mother from downstairs.


Still glaring at Damien, we both walk down to the car. We have to ride in the back seat because, no matter our age, we're still the babies.

Currently, we're heading to the birthday party of some Alpha's kid. I think the pack is White Mist? White Dawn? I honestly don't care. As future Co-Alpha, I really should care, but I just don't see why I need to go to this thing. So the kid's having his 18th birthday, why should I care? All that means is he could POSSIBLY find his mate. Damien and I are currently 26 damn years old and we've yet to find him/her. 

Whatever. It is what it is. I lean my head against the car door, zoning out completely.

*Le time skip!*

We pull into the driveway of a decent-size packhouse and are greeted by... no one. Kind of odd, seeing as this pack is supposed to be of a decent size and wealth. No matter, my brother, father, and mother get out of the car. I hand the driver a $50 bill and tell him to hang around till the party ends.

When we walk inside the building we see a few wolves hanging around, but not enough to suggest we're at a party, let alone a packhouse. My father, Richard, walks up to a random she-wolf.

"Excuse me, M'am," My father addresses her very politely. "We're here for the party? Today is the Alpha's son's birthday, correct? I believe his name is Charles."

The she-wolf looks up with disgust on her face until she notices my father is an Alpha. Suddenly, her face turns seductive. 

"Oh, of course, honey! C'mon, I'll show you to the ballroom and then we can chat, huh?" She bats her eyelashes like she's having a seizure, and I hear Damien hold back a laugh. When the she-wolf grabs my dad's arm, I hear my mom growl, "MINE", and tear it off. Mom then shoots the chick a look basically saying, "Back off my man or you'll lose some teeth." 

A man walks in from a hallway off to the side and tries to ease the tension. "Hello, Alpha Richard! Luna Donna! I'm so glad you could make it to my son's party!"

Pulling mom away from the she-wolf my dad gives an awkward chuckle, "Thank you, Alpha Henry. We wouldn't have missed it." As my dad reaches to shake the Alpha's hand, my wolf is getting restless. For some reason, this guy just gave off a bad vibe. I look at Damien and can tell he's thinking the same thing.

"Come. Let's join the party!" Alpha Henry leads us through a few hallways toward the ballroom. The whole time, my wolf was bouncing around in my head and acting like a lunatic.

"Grey! What are you so excited about?!"  Grey just keeps jumping.

"Here! Tonight! HERE!" I don't know how, but I can FEEL his heart going a million miles an hour. 

"I'm gonna need a little more information than that. What's here?"

"MATE! Mate, here!" My body stiffens. I look at Damien and he's, again, thinking the same thing. Twins amirite?

I sniff around, looking for a scent, but I can't find one. 


"Don't know! Must look for Mate!"

We all go into the ballroom, which looks absolutely gorgeous. There are decorations everywhere (even on the ceiling and windows), multicolored lights make the dance floor look like we're at a Disco, and the food table is filled with gourmet food that smells divine even from where I stand about 20 feet away. 

I barely noticed any of that. There was only one scent that mattered right now.

"Hey, I'm gonna go explore the party. Ryder, wanna come?" Damien is a shit actor. You can hear his anxiousness in his voice. "Sure. Mom is that cool with you?" I look at my mom, internally praying she doesn't notice Damien being a weirdo.

"Of course. You are grown men. As long as you guys are safe, you guys can do whatever." She smiles at us with the mom-stare that tells you "You're being an idiot". As Damien and I leave the group, I see that she-wolf sauntering up to my father again. Mom noticed it too.

In any other situation, nothing would stop me from watching my lovely mother claw that girl's eyes out. Right now, I need to look for my mate.

Damien heads through a door off to the side, and I obviously follow him. The door leads to a gorgeous kitchen, still smelling of the food from earlier.

As I walk through the kitchen, I'm hit with the most delicious smell ever. It's a mix between lavender and lemons. Grey goes shithouse.

"Damien!" I whisper-yell. "Do you smell them too?"

I don't get an answer. I don't need it. His eyes have gone completely black.

I turn around and follow that beautiful scent. I'm brought to a heavily padlocked door. Why the hell is my mate down here?" Whatever. I just need to be where they are. I get a small running start and kick the door down in one try.

I practically run down the stairs, that intoxicating smell growing with every step I take. Why a dungeon? Is my mate a monster?" 

The trail finally ends at a cage located at the very back of the dungeon. It wasn't at all locked, so I walked right in along with Damien. 

What I see will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Surrounded in a pool of blood, is my tiny mate. She looks terrible. Her long, blonde hair is covering her face, matted down with more blood. She is so fucking scrawny, too. I can see every one of her ribs.

I run-up to her and pick her up, cradling her like my bride. The sparks fly through my veins. 

"MATE" Damien and I growl out at the same time.


Hello once more! Yay, we've got our mates!! 

BTW, no I didn't make typos. Ryder thinks Jacob is a girl from the long, blond hair and small frame. Sorry if that confused anyone.

Please don't forget to leave comments. I really want to know what I'm doing right and wrong so I can make this story the best it can be.

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See ya next time!

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