Chapter 28

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*Unknown POV*

I'm pacing my office, brooding. The voices in my head are all telling me different things to the point where I can no longer tell the difference between them.

"Let him go!"

"Capture that filthy bitch!"

"We need a plan before we get him! Those mutts won't just let him go! We should wait and see what happens."

I swear I'm about to slam my head against a wall. As if my sanity weren't already hanging by a thread, these demons haunting me seem determined to cut it away completely.

That bastard child... he's the reason I'm in this shithole. I was forced to abandon my pack, my home, and my son because of that Omega. Now, I'm a rogue. Hidden in the forest with a handful of men in a 3-room abandoned hovel. I'm a fucking Alpha. I'm not the one who is supposed to be living in squalor in the middle of nowhere. 

I hear a light knock on my door. Everyone with me knows that if they bother me for any reason that isn't life or death they will lose their life, so this better be good.

I slam the door open, giving the death glare to the bitch I was forced to make my Beta. James Harper, the son of my father's old Beta, is a weakling. He had always been mad at me for how I treated the Omega, calling me a monster. Well, now the same Omega has forced us into this shithole so I can't be that bad.

"What do you want?" There is no room for small talk in our relationship. We both hate each other with a passion, but due to the fact that Alpha and Beta lines are hereditary, we're forced to work together.

He shoves a folder into my chest, refusing to look me in the eye. "Here are the papers you asked for Alpha." He says the word with such disdain I have to use all of my self-control not to beat his ass.

"We cannot hit him, he is our only certain ally even if he is a discontented one." The voice says. I call it Reason because it's always trying to get me to think things through. Pansy is the weak one and Torture is my favorite. I tend to agree with the genius of Torture over the stupidity of the others.

"Hell, no! Beat his face in until he's not breathing. No one dares disrespect the Alpha!" As much as I'd like to listen, that would lead to major problems in the long run. So, I settle for slamming the door in his face.

I collapse into my desk chair and open the file. In it, are photos of my lost little mutt. Smiling, laughing, and talking with his mates. It even looks like he's enjoying himself. That's gonna change.

Behind those photos are the documents that I've been waiting for. The people I'd sent to infiltrate the pack had succeeded. We'd even turned some slut into a double agent for the mere price of having to fuck me. Dumb slut would have probably done it for nothing.

I set the file on the desk, smiling internally. In a few days, I'll have my bitch back. And believe me, when I get him, he's never getting out. 

I've been busy creating a brand new dungeon just for such an occasion, and I've been itching to use it on him. The prostitutes I'd hired just don't scream as beautifully as he does. They haven't been trained as Jacob has. They haven't had the innocence beaten out of them over the last 16 years. 

I pick up the handset on my desk and hastily dial the number of our mole. She picks up almost immediately.

"Heeeeey, big boy. What can I do for you on this wonderful day?" Her blatantly obvious attempt at being seductive makes me want to slit her throat.

I grit my teeth. "The operation is happening. In two days, I need you to create a large enough distraction to get those mutt twins out of my way. Can you do it?"

She laughs the fakest laugh I've ever heard. "Of COURSE, darling! Anything for you, my love."

I roll my eyes. "You better get it right, Sheila, or you won't be able to do anything ever again."



So, I wOnDeR wHo ThE mYsTeRy MaN wAs?!?!?

In all seriousness, I don't really know where I'm going with this. Like, I know the basic plot points that get me to the ending I'm planning, but I just need to figure out how to connect the dots. So bear with me if my next few chapters are either fillers or pieces of shit. I'm finding my way. As many of you know, I wasn't even planning on continuing this story past part 13 or something, so I'm definitely rolling with the punches at this point.

Thanks to everyone who's sticking around. Don't forget to leave comments, as I love reading them far more than is healthy.

I'll see y'all Monday!

P.S.- If I were to do a bonus scene over the weekend, would you guys want it? It wouldn't have to do with the main storyline, just some rando stuff. If I'm being honest, it'd probably be smut. So tell me if that's what you want and I'll make it happen.

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