Chapter 1

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Jacob's POV:







Drops fall from the cracked ceiling of my cage.

Yes, my cage.

I lay on the cold concrete floor, my only warmth stemming from the rags covering my body. A spare T-shirt is acting as a sort of pillow. 

I can't sleep.

I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Jacob Rose, and I'm an Omega. My parents found out when I was 2, and my fate was sealed. I was thrown into the pack's dungeon for my weak nature. I stayed here for 2 more years before they deemed me "fit to work". It started with cleaning all of the rooms in the packhouse. While that may not seem like a lot, the packhouse has 273 rooms in total. As I got older, I started to be responsible for all meals to be served. 

If I missed a crumb in the house, I was beaten. If I talked at all, I was tortured. Scars criss-cross my torso reminding me what a single slip-up would mean. I'd never been to school, after all, none of the other wolves wanted to see me. I don't blame them. My dirty, blonde hair was down to my shoulders, as I was never able to cut my hair. I was also extremely overweight. Despite only being able to eat around once a week, I still weigh 84 pounds. I know this because sometimes I manage to weigh myself in one of the rooms. My goal is to reach 70. Then maybe the pack will be able to look at me without throwing up.


"Get up, bastard! Don't make me come down there or you won't be able to come up!"

The sound of the Alpha banging on the door of the dungeon shook me from my reverie. I slowly rise, bones groaning in protest from last night's injuries. They never bother to lock my cage as I'm the only one down here and I'd never be able to overpower the guards.

Another day in hell. Let's do this

I walk up the stairs.

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