Chapter 9

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*This is kind of what I imagine the pack's kitchen to look like but with it extended into that dining room and also a lot bigger.*

*Jacob's POV*

I can't sleep.

I know I slept for a little while, but I woke up in the middle of the night, unable to slip back into oblivion. Normally I'd count the water drops until they lulled me to sleep, but there are no water drops here. 

I turn onto one side and look out of the window. The moon looks nice. I don't remember the last time I saw the moon. There were no windows in the dungeon, and I'd always be back downstairs before the moon came out.

The white ball of cheese seems to shine a light over the forest. The light hitting the backs of the trees, creating deep shadows that emphasize the moon's grandeur even more. I'd like to believe it's the Moon Goddess creating this beauty. Even though she hates me, that's fairly obvious from the life I've experienced, I worship her. She is the reason I'm alive, even if my life is worthless.

Speaking of first experiences, this is the first time I've gotten to sleep in a bed since I was with my parents, and I'm not a fan. It's so plushy that it feels like the bed swallowing me alive. It's too soft. Too comfortable. I don't like it and I definitely don't deserve it. 

I throw off the covers and slide off the bed. I'm so small it feels like I'm falling before I hit the ground. I'm certainly not getting back up there. I lay back down in an empty corner of the room and curl into a ball for warmth. Much better. I fall asleep rather quickly after that.

*Ryder's POV*





I'm going to beep-ing kill that alarm.

I slam my hand down on the stupid box that's telling me to wake up. It's currently 9 am, and it's time to go do Alpha things. I wish I could sleep in but time doesn't stop for my laziness.

As I'm slowly getting out of bed, I remember the events of yesterday. My mate. My mate is in my house and he's right next door! That is certainly a motivation to wake up. 

I'm like the roadrunner now, throwing on a t-shirt and jeans and doing my morning routine at a lightning speed. It only takes me 7 minutes before I open my door and head outside. I turn to go into Jacob's room, which is to the left of mine, and Damien is standing there doing exactly what I'm doing.

"We're whipped, huh?"

I laugh, "Yeah but I'm cool with it."

Damien opens the door, and what I see almost breaks my heart. My little Omega, still in his hospital gown and his leg cast, is curled up on the floor.

"Why isn't he in the bed?" My voice sounds so weak, my poor baby.

Damien crouches next to Jacob and gently shakes him so he wakes up. It takes a minute, but his eyes eventually flutter open.  At first, he looks confused, but then his eyes once again fill with terror. Jacob jumps to his feet and starts to head out the door but I catch him before he can.

"What's wrong, Sweetheart? Why are you running?" 

He hesitates, he still doesn't want to talk.

"Love, we promise we won't punish you for speaking. We love to hear your voice." Damien walks up beside me.

Jacob looks into our eyes, trying to tell if we were lying before he speaks. "I- I have t-to make breakfast. I ha-have to start c-cleaning." He says it as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "That's almost a-all I'm good f-for."

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