Chapter 29 *MATURE*

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*This chapter is completely optional. All it does is provide a minor description of Jacob's pregnancy and sex. The only semi-important thing is that this chapter takes place a week after the events of Chapter 27.*

*Only one of the mates will be participating in the "activities", so place your bets now on who you think it'll be. 

*Jacob's POV*

It's been a week since the attempted attack on the White Mist. Everyone has started to forget about the actual attack, shifting their focus onto the development of me and my wolf.

Having full Werewolf powers is super weird. All smells are stronger, all sounds are louder, and I can see further than ever before. I went on a run with the boys, the other day, and it turns out that I can quite easily keep up with the two Alphas. My small, Omega wolf body allows me to run at speeds that would rival some Alphas'.

Also, I've gained a noticeable bump on my stomach. The pack doctor had said that a werewolf pregnancy normally lasts about 5 months, but since I'm an Alpha's mate it'll probably be closer to 4. The fact that my stomach seems to be getting bigger every night corroborates that idea.

Honestly, being pregnant is a little annoying. Don't get me wrong, I'm out of my mind excited to meet my pup, but it's strange to think that my body is no longer my own. Now, I don't have an excuse to eat small portions because I'm eating for two. I'm gaining weight in my front, completely throwing off my balance. From what I saw (actually, Helene saw it and read it out loud to me since I can't read) this is only going to get worse as time goes on, and many new side effects will make themselves known. 

I can already feel one effect taking hold. For the past week, Ryder and Damien have been by my side almost constantly. Carrying me, holding me, showering me with hugs and kisses. While I do love the attention, it's honestly more of a curse than anything. 

These stupid pregnancy hormones have me almost jumping them every five seconds. I find that weird, like, I'm already pregnant, stupid body. I physically cannot get more pregnant than I am right now, so stop making me so... needy.

It's even worse when they're not around, like right now. They both had Alpha-stuff to do, so now I'm by myself in our bedroom. I've been watching random shows for over an hour, but nothing has been able to take my mind off of my sexy, sexy mates.

"Why are you trying to put them out of your mind? Go to them, now, and tell them how much you need them!" Kyle yells into our shared brain. 

He has been so much less than helpful with my problem. Every time I am even a little bit able to control my thoughts, he sends images into my mind, depicting the most vulgar and inappropriate acts between me and our mates.

"You forgot sexy. Dear Goddess, they're all so hot. Especially that one where one holds your hands above your head and stares into our soul right before he-"

I slam my hands over my ears, even though I know full well that it wouldn't be able to stop me from hearing Kyle's stupid voice. 

"Shut up, Shut up, SHUT UP!"

I don't know how much longer I can take this. Maybe I can drown out his thoughts in the shower?

Throwing off the covers, I half-storm my way into the bathroom. I turn on the water to an almost blazing temperature before shedding my clothes. For a second, I stare at my reflection. I've definitely put on weight since I've been here. Not just in my baby bump, although the bright red stretch marks show that I've definitely grown in that area, but overall. My cheeks don't look as hollow as they once did. You can't see each of my ribs poking through my skin. The same also goes for my pelvic bone, which once looked like it could stab someone if they got too close. Weird as it is, I've even grown a little bit of a butt. 

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