Chapter 3

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*Warning: Sensitive material in this chapter including rape. I'll include another warning before the rape scene.*

'One of my duties as slave is to have dinner on the tables at 6:00. At 5:59, I set down the final salad bowl. Not being able to make a gourmet meal, I settled for steak and chicken with an assload of seasoning. Don't get me wrong, it was still a good meal, just not as great as normal. That terrified me.

I run down to my cell as quickly as my legs can carry me. If they see me in the dining room, I'm in for my second ass-kicking of the day, and I'd rather avoid that if possible. 

I curl into a corner, hoping to provide some heat to my frail body. You'd think, with how fat I am, my body should be able to keep itself warm but that is not the case. I lay there for an hour, counting the drops that fall from the ceiling. Sure, it creates a huge puddle on the floor, but it soothes me. That leak has been there for as long as I remember, and it's the one constant in my life that won't cause me pain. 







I'm at 5,250 when I hear the door to the dungeon slowly creak open. I hear the steps groan as a heavy werewolf descends. I sniff the air to identify who it is.

The Alpha


He reaches my door and stares at me unflinching. "Hello, maggot." I shiver at his tone, it sends fear coursing through my veins. He walks toward me, boots squeaking with every step. He grabs my hair and yanks me off the ground. "You ready to have some fun?" He asks with a smile that would make the devil cringe in fear.

No, sir, I would rather not have "fun" today THANK YOU!

He drags me by my hair to his "playroom". It's the worst room known to man. In the middle is a steel table with straps for my arms, legs, torso, and neck. The back left corner has a whipping post, the wall next to it being covered with whips and riding crops and all that fun stuff. The right wall is lined with knives. Now I know you're thinking, "Why so many?" That would be because each one is more torturous than the last. The smallest one has a tiny blade to allow intricate carvings to be drawn on my skin. The ones near the middle are to make large cuts along my arms and legs. The big ones are for when Alpha is really mad. If I've done something beyond awful, say, not making enough food or not cleaning his room, that's when I get to meet the devil incarnate. On the back wall is this cross. Kinda like two lines crossing each other so that, if a person is attached to them, they're arms and legs are spread super wide and they can't move. Alpha will attach me with the silver handcuffs, and throw the large knives at my arms and legs. I have multiple deep scars in my legs from those experiences. Thankfully, he realizes he can't do that all the time so he saves it for "special occasions".

He slams me onto the steel table, and I sigh in relief. "No target practice today!". Alpha thankfully removes my clothes before strapping me in. Now no blood will get on my only set of clothes. 

After strapping me in, Alpha stares at me for a while. I don't dare make eye contact, that will make my punishment worse.

He breaks the silence. "Do you know why I've brought you here, Slut?"

Trick question. I answer, he murders me. I remain silent.

"Let me enlighten you"

He takes a few strides toward his Wall O' Knives and grabs one of the smallest ones he has. 

"You, Slut, are a worthless Omega. You have no right to exist on this planet, AND YET, my pack lets you stay here. Despite the fact that your very existence is an insult to our race, you're still alive." 

He trails the knife around my body, making looping figures without ever sinking the blade into my skin.

"You're only responsibilities are to cook and clean, and yet you seem to be incapable of doing either."

Before I could begin to wonder what I had done wrong, he pushes the blade into my stomach. I scream.

"Not only did our meal tonight taste like horse shit," he says as he carves my skin like a turkey, "but my kitchen smells like your vermin blood."

I can hardly concentrate as he speaks. I know he says something about how ugly and stupid I am, about how I can't accomplish the simplest tasks. While I know whatever he's saying is probably true, I can only focus on the pain.

Suddenly, I feel him remove the blade. I look up to see his eyes have gone black and are staring at my body. 

*Warning: Rape Scene begins here. I will put another marker at the end.*

"Now," He whispers. "Now it's time to get my share." He throws the knife down onto the ground.

"I've been waiting for this for 16 damn years. Ever since your bastard parents gave you to me, I knew this was gonna be worth the wait."

I have honestly no idea what he's talking about, and yet, I'm scared out of my mind.

Alpha presses a button and suddenly my legs are being moved to the sides and up. Since when could the table do this? I hear his belt jingle as he removes his pants and underwear, revealing his "area". I'd never seen another guy's private area, but I suppose it doesn't matter. After all, it's just another body part. It can't hurt me more than his hands and feet. The only weird thing is it's standing straight up. Mine always flops around.

He walks between my now open legs, staring at my area. I can see him lick his lips and for some reason it makes me shudder. I feel his hands grasp my hips so tightly I feel they might bruise.

"Get ready, whore. Time to do the one thing you were born to do." And then his hips shove forward.

It's weird. It hurts like hell, don't get me wrong. I've never felt this much pain in this part of my body before and I'm screaming as loud as physically possible. Yet, that's not what makes me cry. I don't know how to describe it, other than it feels like something died inside me. I felt a sadness that I'd never felt before, and I start sobbing like never before. 

It takes him about 5 minutes before he starts grunting for some reason. I feel something burst inside me, and I immediately hate it. Alpha howls into the air before collapsing onto my body. He puts his clothes on and undoes my restraints quietly before leaving me with a, "Doesn't it feel good to finally be useful?"

I slowly get off of the table and go to the small hose in the corner. I'm always supposed to wash before I leave, so the pack doesn't have to see me covered in blood. As I hose myself down, I feel liquid-y stuff coming out of my bottom. I look to my stomach and see that Alpha has blessed me with a new tattoo. He loves leaving little messages on my body, "Worthless", "bastard", "lazy", "Reject", "Fatass", that kind of thing. Today he had written, "Finally worth a damn". 

*Sensitive Rape scene over.*

I dry myself off as best as I can and slide my clothes back on. I limp to my cell, every part of me in pain. Crawling back into my corner, I feel the tears start again. I close my eyes and listen to my favorite melody.




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