Chapter 2

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Jacob's POV

I'm currently in the Alpha and Luna's room straightening their sheets. It's currently 7:00, and everyone in the packhouse is either at school or work, so I am at relative peace. 

Humming to myself, I go around the house cleaning rooms. It takes me about 4 hours to do the whole house, but I'm going faster than normal because tomorrow is going to be hell. The Alpha is throwing a party so that his son can find his mate and ascend the throne. Our pack, the White Dawn pack, is fairly large so all of the Alphas in the area are absolutely going to come. I need to get a head start on all of the food for tomorrow, as I expect at least 5,000 people to be attending.

Putting away my cleaning supplies, I run to the kitchen. I'm planning on prepping the dough for bread and pies today, as well as baking the cake which is expected to be at least 5 tiers. 

I wash my hands, I can't risk getting people sick, that's a surefire way of losing a few fingers. 

I know I'm being forced to cook for hundreds of people. I shouldn't enjoy it. But I do. I love to bake and cook. It's the only time where I can control something. I get to create delicious food MY way. I can make beautiful cakes and cookies the likes of which no one has ever seen before. It's my thing.

I don't use a recipe. I can't read, so there'd be no reason to even get one. I was never sent to school, so all I know are numbers. Numbers are easy. 1 2 3 4 5. See? I'm a genius.

I throw things into mixing bowls, working my magic. By 4 pm, I've finished preparing the dough for 500 loaves of bread and 500 pies. While the dough proofs, I also made 3 of the 5 layers of this beautiful lemon cake I plan to make.

I'm taking the last tier out of the oven when I hear the front door slam open. Great. I make sure to keep my head down as people enter the kitchen. The Alpha's son, Charles, walks in and even out of the corner of my eye I see his look of disgust. With no warning, I feel a sharp pain across my face. Tears well up but I do not dare let them fall.

"Hey, fuckup! How's it like being such a complete disappointment?" He sneers. He gives me another slap, this time on the other cheek. It's getting hard to resist the urge to scream. Alpha's are really strong...

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my... area. I can't help but scream and fall to the ground in pain. Even through the tears and pain, I can hear his laughter. He gives me another couple of kicks to the head, taking advantage of me being curled onto the floor.  He then grabs me by my hair and pulls me up to his level. Well, as much to his level as I can be considering I'm 5' tall and he is probably 7'. Stupid Omega genes. He pushes me against the corner of the island, the marble digging into my back harshly. He socks me in the jaw, causing blood to pout out. I'm greeted with the eyes that haunt my dreams as he stares at me and angry-whispers, "How long will it be until you finally die? It's really getting hard to see your fat ass in my home." Another hit to the gut. "You're so fucking lucky you're such a good slave. As soon as I'm Alpha, trust me, the luxuries we've been giving you will disappear." Apparently he was done, because he pulled me forward and slammed me into the counter corner harshly before leaving me to suffer. I scream as the marble digs even further into my back. I feel blood flowing down my body, both from my mouth and from what I assume is a brand new cut on my back. 

I force myself off the ground. I have no choice but to quickly stop the bleeding and get back to work. After all, I hadn't even started dinner yet. Luckily, I am still a werewolf. I may be the weakest, dumbest, most useless lycan to ever exist, but I still have advanced healing. If I didn't... well I would have been released from this hell years ago.

I clean up the blood on the floor first. If I dared leave it behind, I'd be punished for ruining the Alpha's beautiful kitchen. It hurt like hell but that's the story of my life. Walking into the bathroom, I take down a first aid kit. I'm not technically supposed to use it but I have nothing else to stop the bleeding. I take out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and dab some onto a tissue. I grit my teeth and start cleaning my wounds. 

Obviously, I almost screamed. That stuff is AWFUL. Wiping away any remaining tears, I cover the would with bandages. It took forever because I can't see the would without looking in the mirror. I don't dare see my reflection. I can't stand to see my ugly face in the mirror.

I clean up the supplies and put them away. As quickly as I can manage, I hobble back into the kitchen. I now have an hour to make a meal for 500 hungry wolves. 


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