Chapter 31: Let The Darkness In.

Start from the beginning


You had that dick.

I swear to god.

"West isn't in charge here, all he wants his daughter because he thinks he can protect her. He knows who wants us but there's someone else. Someone who wants Mila, there's no one that I trust apart from Jace, Xavier, and Miles that's why I didn't want anyone knowing where you were. I've been betrayed one too many times." I hissed as the pain shot through my thighs.

God damn it.

"I think you should listen to your dad Hope" Caleb interrupted, now stand closer.

"Well I don't give a fuck what about your opinion. You shouldn't have brought them here, do you know what sort of danger they are in. Now go and get the damn car ready and take them to the airport before I lose my temper" 

Fear flashed across his face before storming out and slamming the door making Mila stir in her sleep. I heard a sniffle that turned into a full-blown cry as my dad tried to rock her back to sleep. My heart broke that I couldn't comfort her, I physically and emotionally couldn't do it. It broke a piece of me letting her go.

I can't do it again.

"Do you want to hold her?" My dad asked.

My eyes were trained on my bed, fighting the tears back but it was no use, one managed to escape.

"No, I can't dad. Pl.. please just go and be safe"

He sighed and stood up to walk towards the door. his head hung and my daughter was asleep again. My heart began cracking at the sight, seeing my whole world leave me again. This is worse than the pain that my mother inflicted.

"Goodbye Hope, and let me know if you see your uncle"


That's news to me.

I thought uncle Harry was with them.

"What do you mean if I see uncle Harry, I thought he was with you"

My dad shook his head "He left a while ago, said he was going to help you out. Wasn't long after your brother left actually"

Well that didn't happen, why would he lie to my dad, and if he's been gone all this time then what on earth has he been doing.

The room became silent as we stared at each other, not blinking as I tried to think of all the possibilities until I heard gunshots erupting from down the hall. My heart literally leaped at the sound, my hands started to shake and my breathing uneven. 

My daughter.

My dad.

Suddenly the door burst open revealing Xavier with an extremely tall giant with fluffy curly hair both of them with guns in their hands. They locked the door and turned to me then back to my dad.

"Xavier you need to get them out of here" I panicked.

"Love I need to get you out of here, you can't walk"

"I could If I wasn't in pain" I scanned the room till I came across a cart which usually held numerous different injections.

"Find me some morphine in that card and inject me with it, it should help as we get through those fuckers" I ripped the covers off me, tapping on the window was heard. 

I looked over my shoulder to see Caleb opening the window.

"It's not Wests gang I don't think, I've never seen these guys before, I heard them talking, they've been told to ambush you after finding out you had been attacked and survived" He spoke quickly.

All I want is one day of peace.

"Caleb get them out of here, we will hold them off"

"But Hope you can't..."

"Just do it, I'm trusting you to get them out safely," I emphasized the trust bit, hoping I could actually trust him.

"Go dad" I shouted.

He ran towards the window clutching Mil/a tightly against his chest, Caleb helped him down and with one last look he nodded towards me and they ran.

A prick feeling in my arm made me jump, a needle was pulled out of me connecting to Xavier's hand. It was the morphine, I couldn't instantly feel the liquid running through my body taking over the pain and I felt like I could finally breathe again.

If this was anyone else they would argue about me doing something reckless, trying to control me thinking I'm some fragile girl. Not Xavier though, he trusted me, he had faith in me.

He took my hand and pulled me towards him, my chest against his chest as we looked at each other, completely forgetting about whoever that was in the room with us. Xavier had slipped a gun into my hand and took his own eyeing my body quickly.

 "Don't die on me" He whispered.

"You aren't getting rid of me that easily King" I felt his heartbeat against my chest.

"If you two are done, can we get the hell out of here. Save that for your honeymoon" Our heads snapped towards the giant.

We both walked to the door, there was a limp in my step but there was no pain but I knew there would be as soon as this morphine wore off. I'm just hoping I don't add any more wounds to my body.

"So bfg what's your name?"

I heard Xavier chuckle next to me as his friend shot me a look and grinned mischievously as he loaded his gun and unlocked the door. The gunshots slowly became louder, screaming and grunt echoed against the walls.

"The names Marco, gorgeous"

He doesn't look like a Marco.

I like him already though.

Xavier eyed me as he wrapped his hand around the door handle ready to pull open, I noticed something red around his hand, then his gaze lingered on the engagement ring he gave me with a small smile.



"Let the darkness in"

Another chapter like I promised

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Another chapter like I promised.

Where did Uncle Harry go?

What's Calebs problem?

Will they make it out alive?

Vote and comment.

Ciao! X

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